Peer Review Process

The Journal employs a rigorous double-anonymous peer review process, ensuring the anonymity of both authors and reviewers throughout. Submissions that align with the journal's thematic scope and conform to our Author Guidelines will be evaluated by at least two experts in the relevant field. We hold our reviewers to the highest standards of transparency and integrity, requiring disclosures of any potential conflicts of interest that could affect impartiality. Reviewer feedback is crafted to be both constructive and informative, aimed at facilitating authors in enhancing their work.

Should revisions be necessary, the original reviewers will reassess the amended manuscript to verify the adequacy of responses to their critiques and the overall quality improvement. Reviewers recommend one of the following outcomes: accept, accept with major corrections, accept with minor corrections, or reject. The review period typically spans 4-6 weeks.

Our editorial practices are stringently separated from financial contributions to preclude any conflicts of interest. Roles within the journal, including reviewers and editors, are appointed solely based on their expertise, commitment to the journal's objectives, and active involvement in the relevant academic discourse.