The Perception of Social Media Usage on the Development of Democracy In Selangor

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Mohd Hairul Anuar Razak
Muhammad Aiman Sabarudin


The main of this study is to identify the relationship between the perception of social media usage on the development of democracy in Malaysian as reference. This study used a quantitative approach and survey analysis research method. Data were collected systematically based on data structured questionnaire survey.. The sample selection is based on a randomly-target focus and consists of 384 local youth in Selangor as respondents. Probability sampling is selected, and the collection of systemic information requires careful selection and accurate measurement of the unit explored for each variable to clarify the purpose of the study at the end. The study's findings show a significant relationship between social media influences towards the development of democracy in Malaysia. The relationship shows a positive correlation between the perception level of social media users and the level of understanding towards the development of democracy (r=0.838, p=0.001). Furthermore, the relationship between the level of understanding reported a strong and positive correlation with the level of attitudes of social media users towards the development of democracy in Malaysia (r=0.807, p=0.001). Meanwhile, there is a strong positive correlation between the perception level of social media users and the level of attitudes towards the development of democracy (r=0.884, p=0.001). This indicated that the respondents' perception, understanding and attitudes towards the development of democracy in Malaysia are good and correlated.

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How to Cite
Razak, M. H. A., & Sabarudin, M. A. . (2023). The Perception of Social Media Usage on the Development of Democracy In Selangor. Journal of Communication, Language and Culture, 3(1), 57–70.


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