Multimodal English Language Pedagogy and Social Justice: A Sociohistorical Perspective from South Korea

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Kenneth Burke


This research investigates English language education in South Korea, situated within the broader sociohistorical and global influences that shape the education system. The theory-based study sets out to critique the prevailing grammar-intensive and rote learning methodologies, proposing instead a pedagogical paradigm that foregrounds holistic, inclusive practices and purpose for student agency. By employing a qualitative analysis, it explores multimodality while endorsing the fusion of interdisciplinary insights to enhance both the learning process and students' communicative competencies. Findings underscore the pivotal role of educators in fostering significant pedagogical shifts, necessitating deep introspection and an informed grasp of sociohistorical and cultural contexts. The research reveals a need for an approach to learning that harmonises linguistic skills with broad sociocultural understanding, advocating for a teaching model that seamlessly integrates historical consciousness, creativity and innovative strategies, and a commitment to principles of social justice. The significance of this study lies in its potential to influence policy and practice, encouraging a move towards more engaged, reflective and socially responsible English language instruction within the region.

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How to Cite
Burke, K. . (2024). Multimodal English Language Pedagogy and Social Justice: A Sociohistorical Perspective from South Korea. Journal of Communication, Language and Culture, 4(2), 114–132.


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