Intersemiotic Translation: Mat Dollah’s Batik Paintings of the Malay Folktale “Puteri Gunung Ledang”

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J. Yasodhara Menon
Krishnavanie Shunmugam
Selvajothi Ramalingam


In translation studies, intersemiotic translation, which is the transference of a verbal sign system to a non-verbal sign, vice-versa or between two non-verbal modes, is a dynamically creative form of translation often involving literary works. Intersemiotic translations make it possible for written source texts to be brought to life in various artistic ways; they can usurp the power of the written word to transfer sense and meaning through unforgettable images from one culture to another. Folktales, documented in writings, have been translated into many different forms, such as in performing arts, animations, paintings, and illustrated books. This article examines the intersemiotic translation of the evergreen Malay folktale, “Puteri Gunung Ledang” or “The Princess of Mount Ledang” recreated in the form of batik paintings by the batik artist, Mat Dollah. The first specific objective of this study is to identify the variant and invariant features in Mat Dollah’s representation of the folktale by comparing his batik paintings to its original written account. The second objective is to investigate Mat Dollah’s skopos or purpose for recreating the folktale in his batik paintings in the ways that he has represented it.  Six selected batik paintings of the folktale are analysed using Kress and Van Leeuwen’s (2006) multimodality approaches in visual grammar focusing on social actor representations and viewer networks (2008), colour (2011) and modality to fulfil the first objective. Transcripts from an email interview with the painter are analysed to fulfil the second objective. In this study, Vermeer's Skopos Theory underpins the overall discussion. The findings show that one invariant core links the batik paintings to the written source text. Next, the skopos or purpose of the artist in producing these recreations in his own unique ways is strongly influenced by his personal experience, his work as an artist, and his perspectives of the world. Two key insights can be surmised about intersemiotic translations from these findings. Firstly, it is the translators’ intent that determines the translation strategies used, ultimately shaping the final translated product. Secondly, this makes the translator’s presence highly visible in intersemiotic translations.

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How to Cite
Menon, J. Y. ., Shunmugam, K. ., & Ramalingam, S. . (2024). Intersemiotic Translation: Mat Dollah’s Batik Paintings of the Malay Folktale “Puteri Gunung Ledang”. Journal of Communication, Language and Culture, 4(2), 1–22.


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