Students' Virtual Learning Challenges and Learning Satisfaction During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Conceptual Framework

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Atirah Mohamed Al Namiri
Hawa Rahmat


Virtual learning is an excellent way for students and teachers to interact and share information. Many educational institutions utilise virtual classrooms as their primary platform for interactive knowledge sharing. However, some students lack computer and technological abilities, lack self-motivation, or have trouble adapting to these virtual classrooms. All these factors reduce their learning satisfaction. The goal of this paper is to provide a conceptual framework to research the relationship between virtual learning challenges and students’ learning satisfaction. The Shannon-Weaver Data Transmission Model and Learning Satisfaction Theory are the overarching theories underlying this investigation. The Shannon-Weaver model's technological layers are critical for integration into today's digital communication technologies, allowing the continuation of critical educational activities. "Noise" as understood in the Shannon-Weaver Data Transmission Model is used to examine students' learning satisfaction. In brief, by forming the conceptual framework, it may provide a second step for further investigation on the correlation between virtual learning challenges and students’ learning satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Mohamed Al Namiri, A. ., & Rahmat, H. (2022). Students’ Virtual Learning Challenges and Learning Satisfaction During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Conceptual Framework. Journal of Communication, Language and Culture, 2(2), 34–44.


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