Beyond Motherhood: The Stress Landscape for Working Women in Kuala Lumpur

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Zarah Mohan
Hawa Rahmat


Among the roles that women are frequently associated with in society are mother, wife, and daughter. However, working women have another role outside the home, and juggling these responsibilities is what working women face. Being a mother and working is not an easy journey. Working women experience mental strain and high levels of stress at home and work. A mixed-method approach was used to investigate the stress landscape for working women in Kuala Lumpur. Two factors were assessed in a study contributing to stress related to one's job: 1) stress at work and 2) stress at home. To represent the population, 34 working mothers as teachers were selected as respondents. According to the study's findings, there are no appreciable variations in the stress factors among participants based on the stress level at home and at work, even though the mean is slightly higher for stress at work rather than at home. The qualitative findings show that the respondents were very stressed from the workload, such as handling students, administrative tasks, guidance, counselling, supervision, and attending to parents. The researcher suggested creating avenues for advancement within every education field as a token of appreciation for their contributions throughout their tenure. This will foster a never-ending sense of hope and an unwavering desire for personal development among the working mothers who are teachers, leading to promotions which will give them a positive view on handling their stress level.

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How to Cite
Mohan, Z. ., & Rahmat, H. . (2024). Beyond Motherhood: The Stress Landscape for Working Women in Kuala Lumpur . Journal of Communication, Language and Culture, 4(2), 84–103.


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