Submission Guidelines

Paper Preparation

  • Authors are required to send manuscript in Microsoft Word with the docx file extension.
  • Manuscripts should not be less than 4000 words and not more than 12000 words (excluding references, author/s biodata and appendix). Manuscripts that do not adhere to this will not be considered for review. 
  • Each manuscript must have an abstract (between 200-250 words) and 5 key words.
  • To facilitate the blind review process, please ensure that the authors’ names do not appear anywhere in the manuscript or in the filename. Authors’ names, designations and institutional addresses should be in a separate file.
  • Papers written in English and Bahasa Malaysia will be accepted.
  • Papers in Bahasa Malaysia must have an abstract and title in English with similar abstract content.
  • All pages in the paper should be properly paged
  • The title page should include title of the paper, all authors’ names, institutional affiliation andemail.
  • The title of the paper should be concise and appealing. It should not include any mathematical sign. 
  • Tables and figures should be consecutively numbered in order of appearance in the text. 
  • Authors are to check manuscripts for accuracy of language before submitting to the journal.
  • Authors are responsible to ensure that the style and language of the paper are correct.
  • Authors must provide an Acknowledgement and Funding Information for each article. Articles written without funding may state: 'The authors received no funding from any party for the research and publication of this
  • The journal adopts to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and Journal Publishers.


The references are to be cited in the text are as per American Psychological Association (APA) Style Guide, 7th edition.


Acceptance of Paper

All papers submitted to JCLC will undergo a double blind rigorous review. The final acceptance of the paper will be taken by the Chief Editor upon receiving the revised version of the papers and recommendation by two anonymous reviewers who are experts in the field. The acceptance of the paper will be made once the final copy of the reviewed paper, prepared as per the format of the journal’s requirement is submitted.

JCLC will not publish any paper which has been published elsewhere or have been published in the conference proceedings.  All the paper submitted to the journal should be the original work of the authors and should not have been under review by any other journal. All papers will be screened for their originality using appropriate similarity checking software.



Once the paper is accepted, it will be the responsibility of the corresponding author to send the copyright form, signed by each author and co-author. This should be accompanied with the final copy of the accepted paper.