Asian Journal of Law and Policy
The Asian Journal of Law and Policy (AJLP) (eISSN: 2785-8979) is an online open access academic journal which does not impose an article processing charge or article submission charge. The editorial board invites original unpublished manuscripts that address any legal issue of interest to academics, practitioners, experts and students in the area of law. AJLP is a peer-reviewed journal with a dedicated mission of contributing to original and high-quality research. The journal publishes two issues a year in January and July. The inaugural issue appeared in July 2021.
eISSN: 2785-8979 | Publisher: MMU Press | Access: Open | Article Processing Charge: None | Frequency: Biannual (January & July) | Website:
International Journal of Creative Multimedia
The International Journal of Creative Multimedia (IJCM) seeks scholarly work that explores the intersection of multimedia technology with creative content and research. We are interested in contributions that take advantage of the affordances of digital platforms in creative ways. The aim of this journal is to showcase current research in multimedia and other creative domains where knowledge of rapidly evolving digital media and its growth towards our lifestyle can be shared. IJCM is a double-blind peer-reviewed open-access journal published bi-annually (April & September) and is offered for online publication free of charge, without any submission, review, or page fees.
eISSN: 2716-6333 | Publisher: MMU Press | Access: Open | Frequency: Biannual (April & September) | Website:
International Journal of Management, Finance and Accounting
International Journal of Management, Finance and Accounting (IJOMFA) publishes original and peer-reviewed empirical research papers, concept papers, scientific reviews, and case studies in business, management, finance and accounting.
eISSN: 2735-1009 | Publisher: MMU Press | Access: Open | Frequency: Biannual (February & August) | Website:
International Journal on Robotics, Automation and Sciences
International Journal on Robotics, Automation and Sciences (IJORAS) is an online peer-reviewed research journal that aims to provide a high-level publication platform for scientists and technologists working in the fields of Robotics, Automation and Sciences such as Advanced robotics, Adaptive control system, Embedded system, Fuzzy logic, Neural Network, Biomedical Engineering, Digital and Signal Processing, Image Processing, and image analysis. This platform also includes technology and applications in physics, chemistry, material and biological sciences.
eISSN: 2682-860X | Publisher: MMU Press | Access: Open |Article Processing Fee: None| Frequency: Triannual (March, July & November) effective from 2025 | Website:
Issues and Perspectives in Business and Social Sciences
Issues and Perspectives in Business and Social Sciences (IPBSS) is an open-accessed, peer-reviewed journal, published online by Faculty of Business, Multimedia University, Malaysia. The main goal is to enhance knowledge by promoting research, discussion, and find solutions. The journal aims to facilitate communication and knowledge sharing among scholars, researchers and practitioners from various disciplines and of varying viewpoints.
Aims & Scope: IPBSS aims to critique, discuss, and find solutions to business and social science issues while providing an avenue for researchers and practitioners to share their experiences and findings, so as to extend and enhance knowledge. Areas of deliberations may include the following but not limited to: business, corporate governance, communication, cross-cultural studies, economics, ethics, education, finance, human resources, hospitality, management, political science, psychology, public administration, sociology, law, and the related disciplines. Nonetheless, the journal advocates interdisciplinary studies in business and social science and gives higher priority to fresh thinking and perspectives that are new, differing and thought provoking.
eISSN: 2785-9266 | Publisher: MMU Press | Access: Open | Frequency: Biannual (January & July) | Website:
Journal of Communication, Language and Culture
The Journal of Communication, Language and Culture (JCLC) is an open access academic journal that adheres to the highest standards of peer review and engages both emerging and established scholars from around the world. JCLC is a multidisciplinary journal that is centered in communication, language and culture and is open and welcoming to contributions from the many disciplines and approaches in these disciplines. The readership of the journal are multidisciplinary in nature. It offers a forum to help researchers, specialists, academics to have a common platform devoted to the multidisciplinary study of communication, language and culture.
eISSN: 2805-444X | Publisher: MMU Press | Access: Open | Frequency: Biannual (January & July) | Website:
Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Physics
Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Physics (JETAP) is an online peer-reviewed (double-blind review) research journal aiming to promote the original high quality experimental and/or theoretical research in all disciplines of engineering, technology and applied physics. It publishes two times (on March and September) a year in electronic form. Subject areas suitable for publication include but are not limited to the following fields: Electronic & Electrical engineering, Mechanical engineering, Nano engineering, Modeling & Simulations, Materials Science, Applied Physics, Information Technology etc.
eISSN: 2682-8383 | Publisher: MMU Press | Access: Open | Frequency: Biannual (March & September) | Website:
Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Physics (JETAP) is indexed in MyCite 2022.
Journal of Informatics and Web Engineering
Journal of Informatics and Web Engineering (JIWE) is an online peer-reviewed research journal aiming to promote original high quality experimental and/or theoretical research in all disciplines of information technology, computing, information system and web engineering. It publishes three times a year (in the months of February, June and October) in electronic form. JIWE is a computing journal initiated by Faculty of Computing & Informatics and Faculty of Information Science Technology (FIST), Multimedia University under MMU Press.
eISSN: 2821-370X | Publisher: MMU Press | Access: Open | Frequency: Triannual (Feb, June & October) effective from 2024 | Website: