International Journal on Robotics, Automation and Sciences (IJORAS) is an online peer-reviewed research journal that aims to provide a high-level publication platform for scientists and technologists working in the fields of Robotics, Automation and Sciences such as Advanced robotics, Adaptive control system, Embedded system, Fuzzy logic, Neural Network, Biomedical Engineering, Digital and Signal Processing, Image Processing, and image analysis. This platform also includes technology and applications in physics, chemistry, material and biological sciences.
eISSN: 2682-860X | Publisher: MMU Press | Access: Open |Article Processing Fee: None| Frequency: Triannual (March, July & November) effective from 2025 | Website: https://journals.mmupress.com/ijoras
Call for Papers for Volume 7 (2025)
IJORAS is now calling for paper for volume 7 (2025).
Starting 2025 onwards, IJORAS will publish 3 issues per volume per year. Below are the submission due date of each issue:
There will be NO processing charge for publication in IJORAS.
Current Issue
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): International Journal on Robotics, Automation and Sciences