Utilizing Fuzzy Algorithm for Understanding Emotional Intelligence on Individual Feedback

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Elham Abdulwahab Anaam
Su-Cheng Haw
Kok-Why Ng
Palanichamy Naveen
Rasha Thabit


Although previous studies looked at how employees should seek assistance, the issue is the researchinvestigation into how behavioral intelligence affects employee satisfaction is limited. This study examines several significant usages and developments of fuzzy mental modelling. The primary objective of the current section is to provide an innovative technique for modelling an emotion-based acceleration of the compressor for individuals. Methodologies of experiential thinking postulate that our comprehension of facial emotional reactions depends significantly on facial behavior imitation and the reactions as opportunities. Considering the theoretical foundations of combined logical reasoning. In addition, the hypothesis of probability, it additionally is not effective to build a comprehensive hypothesis concerning impressions. Combining emotional intelligence with fuzzy logic as a combination, we were able to tackle issues with current techniques that neither artificial intelligence nor fuzzy mathematics alone could.

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How to Cite
Anaam, E. A., Haw, S.-C., Ng, K.-W., Naveen, P., & Thabit, R. (2023). Utilizing Fuzzy Algorithm for Understanding Emotional Intelligence on Individual Feedback. Journal of Informatics and Web Engineering, 2(2), 273–283. https://doi.org/10.33093/jiwe.2023.2.2.19
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