Facial Skin Analysis in Malaysians using YOLOv5: A Deep Learning Perspective
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Nowadays, people are more concerned about their skin conditions and are more willing to spend money and time on facial care routines. The beauty sector market is increasing, and more skin type readers are being created to help people determine their skin type. While various skin type readers are in the market, each is invented and tested abroad. Those skin type readers in the beauty market are not applied well on Malaysian skin. Therefore, this paper proposes a facial skin analysis system tailored primarily for Malaysian skin. This paper integrated object detection and deep learning algorithms in developing skin-type readers. A unique dataset consisting solely of facial images of Malaysian skin was created from scratch for the model. Additionally, You Only Look Once version 5 (YOLOv5) is employed to detect users' facial skin conditions, such as acne, pigment, enlarged pores, uneven skin, blackheads, etc. Then, based on the detected skin conditions, it further classifies the user's skin type into the normal, oily, sensitive, or dry groups.
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