QR Food Ordering System with Data Analytics
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As the epidemic starts to slow down and Malaysians are more confident about containing the outbreak with the norm of vaccination, diners have been aching to return to dining rooms, with many restaurants functioning at full capacity, but staffing is an entirely different story. As restaurateurs try to keep their businesses running at full speed and solve limited staff issues, there is only one solution: process automation. This paper aims to design a food ordering system that covers the benefits of automating the ordering process using the QR code and provides visualised insightful information based on the business data. Customers place the food order by scanning the QR code on the restaurant table, and it is then brought to a digital version of the restaurant's menu and make orders. The proposed system automates customer bills after the order, and it helps reduce human error in calculating bills. On the other hand, the proposed system has an admin interface that enables restaurant owners to modify the restaurant's menu, generate QR codes for the new dining table, receive orders from customers, and get automated bills generated by customers' orders. Most importantly, the system allows restaurant owners to have an insightful view of their business data such as visualised charts on sales data, highlighted crucial data and so on to improve decision-making and forecasting future demand using data analysis techniques which are not populated in similar systems currently. Machine learning has become a huge trend nowadays, it is also included to in the proposed system to forecast more valuable data for the business.
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