Enhancing MIMO Capacity Through Space-Time Coding: Analysis And Design Framework
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Space-time coding combines time and space to generate codewords, transmitting signals in both time and space domains. This leads to not only diversity and coding gains but also reduces the impact of multipath fading, resulting in high spectral efficiency. This paper examines the challenges in implementing space-time coding to enhance the capacity of MIMO systems. It analyzes the principle, design objectives, and criteria of space-time coding, providing a basic design framework, based on the space-time coding (STC) system model. .STC and MIMO have proven to be effective in improving system capacity, reliability, and overall performance in wireless communication. They have been applied in various fields such as wireless local area networks (WLANs), cellular networks, satellite communication, and wireless body area networks (WBANs). The use of space-time coding in 5G massive multi-antenna technology improves diversity and gain, resulting in higher communication throughput, leading to increased research in the field.
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