MobiTest – A Software for Mobile-Based Testing

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Ayesha Anees Zaveri
Ramsha Mashood
Nabiha Faisal
Misbah Parveen
Naveera Sami
Mobeen Nazar
Saba Imtiaz


MobiTest is an application that serves as a valuable tool in the fast-growing field of software testing. Efficiency is crucial in this industry, where testers, quality assurance teams, and others must meticulously test each application, avoiding the need to repeat the entire cycle to identify bugs. This application is a breeze thanks to its intuitive features and educational content. Thanks to continuous integration, testers can easily keep up with the fast-paced development cycle and start automating tasks as soon as the user interface development is completed. This saves valuable time and ensures a smoother and more efficient process. During the development of this application, a need arose for manual testing, which unfortunately resulted in the inefficient use of resources. MobiTest was designed to overcome these limitations by providing the ability to generate generic test scripts for any application as needed. It can efficiently and adaptively handle intricate tasks according to predefined parameters. This application thoroughly examines every possible detail, allowing the hacker to exploit the system.

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How to Cite
Zaveri, A. A., Mashood, R., Faisal, N., Parveen, M., Sami, N., Nazar, M., & Imtiaz, S. (2024). MobiTest – A Software for Mobile-Based Testing. Journal of Informatics and Web Engineering, 3(3), 1–20.
Regular issue


This research received no specific grant from any funding agency

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