The impact of AI chatbot adoption on customer experience in e-retailing

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Jing Shuan Siow
Bak Aun Teoh
Chui Zi Ong
Kai Xin Chee


Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the changes in shopping norms from offline to online and rapid development in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) have redefined customer experience. This change has brought lucrative opportunities for organisations to provide better customer service by interacting with customers using chatbots. Thus, this research was conducted to examine the attributes of AI chatbots that affect online customer experience in the e-retailing market. This paper applied the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to design a research model to investigate the relationship between chatbot usability, responsiveness, and online customer experience. A quantitative method was employed to test the research model, and data were collected from an online survey. A total of 101 usable responses were received and examined using SPSS software. The results show a positive relationship between chatbot usability and online customer experience, while no significant relationship is observed between chatbot responsiveness and online customer experience. The findings of this study offer insights for academics, industry practitioners, and policymakers aiming to utilise the potential of AI chatbots to enhance online customer experience and elevate overall customer satisfaction in the e-retail sector.

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How to Cite
Siow, J. S., Teoh, B. A., Ong, C. Z., & Chee , K. X. (2024). The impact of AI chatbot adoption on customer experience in e-retailing. Issues and Perspectives in Business and Social Sciences, Advance online publication. Retrieved from
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