Style Guide
Authors should prepare their manuscripts according to the guidelines provided in this section. Manuscripts that are not prepared according to these guidelines may be returned for revision prior to any editorial consideration. Authors should submit articles online, in common word-processing format. Authors should retain a copy of their articles.
Manuscripts should be typed single-spaced and uses a 12-point font. The type on paper should be clear and readable. Use wide margins of at least 1 inch (2.54 cm) at the top, bottom, right, and left of every page.
Word limit: There are no strict word-limits for any of the article categories. A typical article would have around 5,000 words. Authors can target a shorter article initially (i.e., less than 5,000 words), allowing space to accommodate reviewers' suggestions, if any.
1. General Terms and Conditions
Authenticity and Integrity: All submissions to IPBSS must be original, unpublished work not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The journal expects all submissions to be authentic writings by the respective authors. The journal also expects authors to practise transparency and integrity, declaring any competing interest that could interfere, or be reasonably perceived to interfere, with the objective presentation of facts and arguments.
Copyright: Universiti Telekom Sdn. Bhd. (UTSB) retains the copyright of all material published in IPBSS. By submitting an article, the authors agree that the right to electronically reproduce and distribute the article has been given to the journal.
2. Title Page
The first page should be a Title Page and contain these details: (a) manuscript category (Main Article, Research Design, etc.), (b) manuscript title, (c) author details (each author's name, affiliation, and e-mail address), (d) corresponding author, in case of multiple authors (i.e., name of the author to whom all correspondence must be sent), The Title Page will be removed by the editor before the article is sent for peer review. The rest of the article should not contain the author's name or identifying details in order to facilitate blind review.
The article itself should start on the second page with the article title, followed by an abstract and keywords suitable for searching purposes. The main body of the text can start immediately thereafter, on the same page. Permission to reproduce copyright material in the article must be obtained by the authors before submission.
3. Language and Tone
Articles must be written for a relatively wide readership consisting of researchers, research managers, research educators, and research students from multiple disciplines, and research-inclined individuals from multiple backgrounds. Any discipline-specific or profession-specific convention or notion should be sufficiently articulated so as to make sense to a wider audience. In this vein, the authors should also be conscious of the multiple cultural and institutional settings within which their writings may be read and interpreted.
Manuscripts should be written in English. The journal accepts both British and American English but the use must be consistent throughout. All articles should be edited by the authors carefully for language and typographical errors. If necessary, the article should be corrected by a language editor before it is submitted to the journal.
4. Abstract and keyword
Manuscript must include and abstract of no longer than 150 words. A maximum of 5 keywords must be provided below the abstract.
5. Heading
All headings shall be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Major sections of the paper should be designated with the main headings. The first level of heading should be typed in upper lower case, bold and flush left. Secondary heading flush left with upper lowercase, italicised, and bold. First, second, third, and fourth-order headings should be clearly distinguishable
6. Tables and Figures
Figures (diagrams, charts, drawings, or images) and tables (statistical material or tabular comparisons) should be numbered sequentially, such as Figure 2 and Table 4. Figures/tables should be embedded within the main body of the article, where it is most logical to be placed. Each figure/table should have a short caption, at the top in case of tables but at the bottom in case of figures. The original source of the information and explanatory notes, if any, should be cited at the bottom of the table/figure. Computations, if any, should be checked for accuracy. Each illustration should be mentioned in the text (e.g., "as shown in Figure 2").
7. Acknowledgement
Collate acknowledgement in a separate section at the end of the manuscript before the references.
8. Footnotes/Endnotes
Footnotes are not recommended. Endnotes should be used only if absolutely necessary and should be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript with superscript Arabic numerals. On a separate page, type the text for endnotes in the order in which they are mentioned in the text.
9. Appendixes
Lengthy but essential information (e.g., sample questionnaire, technical notes on method, a large table) should be presented in an appendix. Begin an appendix on a separate page. If there is more one appendix, label each one with a capital letter (e.g. Appendix A, Appendix B). In the text, refer to appendixes by their labels (e.g., “see Appendix A for questionnaire items”). Provide title for each appendix.
10. References
All manuscripts must follow the latest American Psychological Association (APA)’s Publication Manual style.