Emojis And Miscommunication in Text-Based Interactions Among Nigerian Youths
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This paper explores the dynamic role of emojis in text-based communication among Nigerian youths and the potential implications for miscommunication. Emojis have become integral to contemporary digital conversations, offering users a visual means of expressing emotions, tone, and context within the constraints of text-based interactions. In the context of Nigeria, a country with a diverse linguistic landscape and a youthful population heavily engaged in online communication, understanding the impact of emojis on interpersonal exchanges becomes particularly pertinent. This paper examines the prevalence and patterns of emoji usage among Nigerian youths across various digital platforms. It investigates the cultural nuances and interpretations associated with emojis within the Nigerian context, considering factors such as regional differences, linguistic diversity, and socio-cultural influences. Furthermore, the study examines instances where emojis may contribute to miscommunication or misunderstanding, potentially exacerbating conflicts or hindering effective communication. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature, online discourse analysis, and case studies, this research aims to shed light on the ways in which emojis influence the interpretation of textual messages and the potential challenges they pose to clear and accurate communication. The study concludes that as digital communication continues to be a primary mode of interaction, it is essential for users to recognize the potential for misinterpretation, prompting the need for increased emoji literacy and awareness.
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