Modelling of Virtual Campus Tour in Minecraft
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Virtual tours have revolutionized the way to explore and experience places from the comfort of our own home. Through advanced technology and immersive digital platforms, virtual tours offer a compelling alternative to tradition face-to-face visits. Whether a famous landmark, museum, real estate or natural wonders, virtual tours offer a unique opportunity to navigate and discover these places form a distance. Meanwhile, creating a virtual tour in Minecraft can provide a unique and immersive experience that sets the users apart from other virtual tour platforms. Minecraft is one of the most popular video games in the world and boasts a large and dedicated community of players. Using Minecraft for a virtual tour allow users to reach a larger audience who are already familiar with the game, increasing the likelihood of engagement and participation. In this paper, the aim is to create a virtual campus tour in Minecraft to give the visitors an immersive and interactive experience with creative freedom. A series of buildings have been built such as Siti Hasmah Digital Library, Common Lecture Complex (CLC) and Smart Lab. Visitors can move around the campus with some gameplay mechanics using mouse and keyboard. Building information was also integrated so visitors can see details about each building during the virtual tour. The virtual tour provides access, comfort and a sense of connection to prospective students, their families and international visitors. Additionally, it serves as a low-cost marketing tool that increases engagement, attracts potential students, researchers and staff and ultimately benefits the University’s recruitment efforts.
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