The Impact Of The Telecommunication Industry As A Moderator on Poverty Alleviation and Educational Programmes To Achieve Sustainable Development Goals In Developing Countries
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of the telecommunications industry's contribution to sustainable development in developing nations. A detailed literature study is conducted for this purpose, and a conceptual framework is offered. To validate the proposed conceptual framework, we conducted multiple case studies involving companies in the telecommunications industry from various countries. These findings improved the suggested conceptual framework produced for this study. However, despite the contributions of the telecommunications industry to the Sustainable Development Goals, no study has been conducted to examine how they have benefited poverty reduction and educational programmes in Sri Lanka. The overall purpose of this research is to investigate the role of multinational telecommunications firms as a moderator in achieving sustainable development goals through poverty and education efforts. This study will use a positivist approach. The researchers' research technique would be deductive since they want to draw conclusions based on the hypotheses produced on the questionnaire as part of the quantitative research procedure. The quantitative approach was employed as the primary data collection method. As part of the preliminary research, the telecommunications industry, and academics with a doctorate degree in socioeconomics were questioned. The preliminary study findings revealed that the telecommunications industry has played a significant role in accomplishing sustainable development goals in many countries, and the current study concentrated on developing nations with a particular focus on Sri Lanka. The major findings of a pilot study indicated that contact between the communications industries is required for linkages and spillovers that may assist nations' sustainable development. Furthermore, our findings indicated that increased contributions to education might help Sri Lanka achieve its poverty eradication and sustainable development goals.
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