Implementing Identity-based Signature Schemes for Secure Data Transfer in Cloud Computing Environments
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In this paper, we present the implementation of the Cha-Cheon Identity-Based Signature (IBS) scheme to enhance secure data transfer in cloud computing environments. Cloud computing rely on traditional Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) systems, which is burdened by certificate management infrastructure. The primary focus of this research to simplify key and certificate management by leveraging identity-based elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) within the Cha-Cheon IBS framework. We show that the proposed IBS solution integrates seamlessly with Amazon Web Services (AWS), utilizing services like S3 for secure data storage and KMS for key management. By applying ECC, the Cha-Cheon scheme achieves efficient cryptographic operations with smaller key sizes, resulting in reduced computational overhead, faster key generation, signature creation, and verification times compared to RSA-based systems. We conducted extensive performance evaluations to compare the Cha-Cheon IBS scheme with traditional PKI-based systems. The results demonstrate that our implementation significantly outperforms RSA in terms of key generation, encryption, and signature verification times, especially under increased user loads and data sizes. Moreover, the security analysis confirms the robustness of the Cha-Cheon IBS against key compromise, offering strong resistance to unauthorized access and key revocation issues. The scheme also scales efficiently as the number of users increases, making it ideal for large-scale cloud infrastructures. This research highlights the potential of IBS as a viable alternative to PKI systems, providing a more streamlined and efficient approach to secure data transfers in cloud environments.
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