A Cost Efficient Contactless IoT based Body Temperature Detection System Manuscript Received: 19 May 2022, Accepted: 24 July 2022, Published: 15 September 2022, ORCiD: 0000-0001-5226-6837, https://doi.org/10.33093/jetap.2022.4.2.4
Main Article Content
In the recent outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, various methods has been adopted to prevent and control the wide spread of pandemic. One of the commonly used method is by detecting the body temperature. This is to isolate those obtained higher body temperature who are possibly infected with the virus. Body temperature detection device is commonly deployed at the entrance of merchants for this purpose. However if one person is detected in one merchant with higher body temperature, this information is not bundled with his/her identity information. Therefore his/her entranced to other merchants are not linked and warned, and causing a possible spread of pandemic if other customers who appeared in the same premises are not being notified. In this work, an IoT based body temperature detection system is developed. In this system, the body temperature data is obtained and sent to the internet cloud together with the identity information of that person. This allow easy tracking of the potential virus infected person. The collected data can be further analysed using online analysis tool. Furthermore, the identity information is obtained using QR code which eliminate the ordinary procedure of writing personal data into logbook. The QR code method is contactless and able to avoid the infection of virus through the contact of pen and logbook. This system is developed with low-cost material and is affordable for small merchants.
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