Embracing the Corporate Governance and Whistleblowing in Malaysia: A Conceptual Review
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Whistleblowing is an act of disclosing any wrongdoing or offence to the enforcement agency by an informer known as whistleblower, and this action would result in a conflict of interest for an individual, institution or society. Some may argue that whether it is appropriate for a whistleblower to reveal other people's mismanagement or someone’s disloyalty to the company that employed him or her. This research applied qualitative study to analyse numerous primary and secondary data sources via library-based research in order to investigate the concerns and difficulties that whistleblowers encounter, as well as the relevant laws that could protect their privacy and interest. Meanwhile, the law of whistleblowing from the selected countries had been examined and the use of the valuable Islamic concept of good corporate governance had been adopted too. In fact, many countries have enacted relevant legislation to recognise the significance of whistleblowing to promote good governance in various institutions. Whistleblowers in Malaysia are protected by the Whistleblower Protection Act 2010 ('WPA 2010') as one of the efforts to demonstrate Malaysia's commitment in reducing bribery and improper action in the institutions.
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