A study of online grocery shopping behaviour in Malaysia

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Krishna Moorthy
Lim Shi Xiang
Dr. Normala S.Govindarajo
Loh Chun T'ing


The Malaysian e-commerce industry has been growing; however, online grocery shopping is still underpenetrated in Malaysia. This study investigated the factors affecting online grocery shopping behaviour in Malaysia. This study integrated the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) variables with price as an additional factor. Data were collected through a survey involving 344 Malaysians who were at least 18 years old and had an online grocery shopping experience. SPSS statistical software was used to analyse the data. It was found that attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioural control have significant positive relationships with online grocery shopping intention, which further positively influences online grocery shopping behaviour. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and price have insignificant associations with online grocery shopping intention. The study provides useful information and implications for academics and grocers regarding the factors affecting online grocery shopping behaviour in Malaysia.

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How to Cite
Moorthy, K., Lim, S. X. ., S.Govindarajo, N., & Loh, . C. T. . (2024). A study of online grocery shopping behaviour in Malaysia. Issues and Perspectives in Business and Social Sciences, Advance online publication. Retrieved from https://journals.mmupress.com/index.php/ipbss/article/view/iss5vol1p3
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