Understanding the Resistance Towards Apple Pay among Malaysians DOI: https://doi.org/10.33093/ijomfa.2024.5.2.6

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Krishna Moorthy
Yong Qing Low
Chun T'ing Loh


This study investigates the resistance towards Apple Pay among Malaysians. The research is supported by the Innovation Resistance Model (IRT), which offers a comprehensive framework to understand and analyze the factors that impede the acceptance and usage of technological innovations. The study utilizes a quantitative approach, employing a questionnaire survey to collect data from a sample of Malaysian consumers. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) is utilized for data analysis. The findings shed light on the specific barriers that Malaysians encounter when considering the adoption of Apple Pay, including the usage barrier, value barrier, risk barrier, tradition barrier, and image barrier. The results provide insights into the underlying reasons behind resistance towards Apple Pay and contribute to the existing body of knowledge on mobile payment adoption. The study's implications offer valuable recommendations for businesses, policymakers, and other stakeholders seeking to promote the wider acceptance and adoption of Apple Pay in the Malaysian context. By addressing these barriers, it is possible to foster trust, enhance user experience, and facilitate the integration of Apple Pay into the everyday lives of Malaysians, thereby transforming the landscape of mobile payments in the country.

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Management, Finance and Accounting


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