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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The manuscript adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Authors Guidelines - Style Guide.
  • The manuscript must not carry the names, affiliations, email addresses or any identifying information of the authors.
  • Authors must provide an Acknowledgement, Funding Information, and Statements for each article.
  • Upon the acceptance of publication, authors must consent to assign the copyright in the article to MMU Press, Multimedia University (registered as Universiti Telekom Sdn Bhd).
  • At the time of the submission of the manuscript, all authors must consent to publishing the article under an irrevocable Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Author Guidelines - Style Guide

  1. The submission file must be in Microsoft Word file format and submitted online through IJOMFA's website.
  2. Research notes and case studies should be between 2,000 to 5,000 words in length.  Empirical research articles should be between 3,000 and 10,000 words in length, including references and appendices. Please allow 250 words for each figure or table.
  3. Manuscript should be single-spaced, use a 12-point font, Times New Roman, and employ italics rather than underline for emphasis. All illustrations, figures, and tables are to be placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. (Download the Manuscript template here)
    1. The manuscript must include a title ideally of not more than 10 words. The title must be descriptive, reflective of the content, and contain most commonly searchable keywords,
    2. Each manuscript can have one or more authors. All contributing authors’ names and affiliations should be correctly listed in correct order for publication. The affiliation of authors listed should be where they were based at the time that the research for the paper was conducted
    3. Abstract of not more than 250 words should briefly discuss the purpose of the research, the methodology, findings and originality of the research.
    4. Provide appropriate 4 to 10 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes.
    5. Manuscripts should be separated into several sections. Section headings should be numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals.
    6. Acknowledgment, declaration of research funding, and statements should be provided by the authors during submission.
    7. All tables, figures and photographic images should be submitted in high quality and legible electronic form.
    8. References should be cited using APA (American Psychological Association) 7th. ed. format.
    9. For materials available only online, a URL is recommended as part of the reference. Where a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is available, please provide the URL for the DOI instead. 
  4. The language of the article must be in English. Foreign terms may be introduced but must be accompanied by an English translation.
    1. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that the standard of the language is acceptable prior to submission of the manuscript. IJOMFA recommends non-native user of the English language to seek assistance from a professional language editing service if he is not confident with his command of the language. Authors are encouraged to use a good grammar-checking software or web service, such as Grammarly, before submission of the manuscript.
  1. Only original articles, not submitted elsewhere for publication will be considered for publication. Once the article is judged by the editor as suitable to be published in IJOMFA, it will be sent to two referees for blind peer review.
  2. It is the author(s)’ responsible to ensure the originality of the article submitted. Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are strictly prohibited.  Authors submitting articles for publication in IJOMFA warrant that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify MMU Press against any breach of such warranty.
  3. Prior to submission, author(s) have to adhere to the following guidelines.
    1. Obtain permission, if any, to use any content that has not been created by themselves.
    2. Acknowledge the source in table, figure, image, statistics and other captions that have not been created by them.
    3. Ensure that the manuscript is complete, grammatically correct and without spelling or typographical errors.
    4. Ensure that your article is checked for similarity index.  Manuscripts with a similarity index of more than 10% will be rejected.


to download the manuscript template