Driving Inclusiveness from the Grassroots: The Tambunan Inventors DOI: https://doi.org/10.33093/ijomfa.2021.2.1.6

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Kamarulzaman Abdul Aziz
Jule Ashikin Julai Poh


Reviews of recent studies indicated the growing importance of development and attainment of inclusive societies via inclusive innovations. This is especially relevant for addressing the disenfranchised or those at the base of the economic pyramid (BOP). Gaps in the literature pointed to; l) the need for understanding of inclusive innovation processes among small, medium and micro enterprises vis-à-vis among local entrepreneurs, ll) there is a lack of studies on inclusive innovation movement in Malaysia. Specifically under the SME Masterplan 2012-2020, there are a number of high impact programmes defined to drive numerous aims. Specifically, for driving inclusive innovation among Small and Medium Entreprises (SMEs) in Malaysia, the High Impact Programme 6 (HIP6) is designed with the focus on development of grassroots innovations. In order to get some insights, case studies were carried out among participants of the HIP6. Cases were recommended by the lead agency entrusted with the implementation of the initiative. Among the cases, a cluster in the area of Tambunan in the state of Sabah, Malaysia was identified. Thus, this paper presents the cases of the Tambunan grassroots inventors.

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Research Cases


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