Mastering Consumer Conversion: Unveiling the Management of E-Commerce Purchase Intentions DOI:

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Anusuyah Subbarao
Nasreen Khan
Nirmala Devi


The global market structure has undergone significant transformations due to the widespread integration of information technology. As a result, electronic commerce has emerged, propelled by technological advancements, and has established itself as a fundamental pillar of the digital economy. This research paper aims to provide a thorough analysis and evaluation of various scholarly works and studies concerning digital shopping and explore the factors that impact consumers' purchasing behaviour on e-commerce sites. The quantitative method was used to analyse the connection between price consciousness, trustworthiness, business competency with customer buying inclination, perceived convenience and effectiveness. The findings reveal that trustworthiness and the results indicate that consumer buying inclination in e-commerce sites is positively influenced by factors such as trustworthiness, as well as the perceived convenience and effectiveness.

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Management, Finance and Accounting


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