A Conceptual Framework for University Teachers' Job Performance in Henan, China: Integrating a Competency Model and the Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support DOI: https://doi.org/10.33093/ijomfa.2025.6.1.12

Main Article Content

Xu Wen
Kyra Ley Sy Law
Leong-Mow Gooi


This conceptual paper explores the theoretical framework surrounding the relationship between teacher competency and job performance in universities in Henan Province, China. Drawing on Spencer's competency model, the paper conceptualises teacher competency as comprising five key dimensions: skills, knowledge, self-concept, traits, and motives. It also introduces perceived organisational support as a mediating variable, offering a novel perspective on how it influences the link between competency and job performance. Theoretical discussions are advanced through a multidimensional approach, expanding the scope of competency and organisational support theories within the higher education context. This study proposes to employ a quantitative research design to examine the relationships among teacher competency, job performance, and perceived organisational support. To collect data, a structured questionnaire is proposed to be administered to university teachers from 60 universities in Henan Province, and the resulting data are subsequently analysed using appropriate statistical techniques to test the proposed relationships. This framework enriches existing literature and provides new directions for future empirical research. By applying this conceptual model, the study contributes to the broader understanding of teacher competency and performance, with potential implications for teacher management, professional development, and educational quality improvement in Henan Province and beyond.

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Management, Finance and Accounting


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