The Influence of Service Marketing Mix on Customer Loyalty Towards Travel Agents Post Covid-19 Pandemic DOI:

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Omar Abdulaziz Sultan Abdullah
Junainah Binti Mohd Mahdee
Nurazlin Binti Mohd Fauzi


This study examines the impact of the service marketing mix on customer loyalty towards travel agents in Oman after the COVID-19 pandemic. The study seeks to comprehend the influence of the service marketing mix (7Ps: Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, and Physical Evidence) on customer loyalty to travel agents in Oman in the post-COVID-19 pandemic era in a swiftly changing market. The study uses a quantitative research methodology, sending a self-administered survey questionnaire to travel agencies in Oman. The data are examined using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) to evaluate the presented hypotheses. The results are anticipated to demonstrate substantial correlations between different components of the service marketing mix and client loyalty, offering valuable insights for travel firms to improve their strategic marketing endeavours. This study enhances our comprehension of consumer loyalty dynamics in the travel sector, providing practical insights for enhancing service quality and implementing client retention tactics in the aftermath of the epidemic.

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Management, Finance and Accounting


Abbas, S. A. (2021). Brand Loyalty Matrix for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Caderno Profissional de Marketing UNIMEP.

Abd Wahab, N., Hassan, L. F. A., Shahid, S. A. M., & Maon, S. N. (2016). The relationship between marketing mix and customer loyalty in hijab industry: The mediating effect of customer satisfaction. Procedia Economics and Finance, 37, 366-371.

Abdelfattah, F., Salah, M., Dahleez, K., Darwazeh, R., & Al Halbusi, H. (2024). The future of competitive advantage in Oman: Integrating green product innovation, AI, and intellectual capital in business strategies. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 8(2), 154-171.

Abdullah, H. A., Abdullah, A. M., & Hawas, T. O. (2023). Building the Blue Ocean Strategy through the techniques of Marketing Intelligence/An Exploratory Study In Iraqi Private Banks. World Economics and Finance Bulletin, 20, 44-50.

Abou-Shouk, M., Zouair, N., Abdelhakim, A., Roshdy, H., & Abdel-Jalil, M. (2024). The effect of immersive technologies on tourist satisfaction and loyalty: the mediating role of customer engagement and customer perceived value. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

Abutabenjeh, S., & Jaradat, R. (2018). Clarification of research design, research methods, and research methodology: A guide for public administration researchers and practitioners. Teaching Public Administration, 36(3), 237-258.

Ahmed, G., Abudaqa, A., Jayachandran, C., Limbu, Y., & Alzahmi, R. (2022). Nation Branding as a Strategic Approach for Emerging Economies: The Case of UAE. In Marketing Communications and Brand Development in Emerging Economies Volume I: Contemporary and Future Perspectives (pp. 41-57). Springer.

Akaak, A. S., Ahmed, M. N., Rajagopal, N. K., & Al-Shanfari, K. S. (2023). Post-COVID-19 Impact on the Oman Tourism Market: Coping Strategies of the Hospitality Sector in Dhofar Governorate.

Al Hakim, Y. R. (2023). An Examination of How Brand Image, Product Quality, and Price Determine Brand Loyalty. International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology, 3(2), 1-6.

Al Maamari, G. (2020). Multiple stakeholders’ perception of the long-term success of project: a critical study of Oman tourism resort projects Bournemouth University].

Al Raisi, N., & Krishnan, Y. (2023). Factors Influencing Omani Traveler’s Preference While Choosing Low-Cost Airlines and Full-Service Airlines. International Journal of Research in Entrepreneurship & Business Studies, 4(3), 1-18.

Al Zadjali, F. M. A. (2021). NPM, e-government and the modernization of public services in the Sultanate of Oman Newcastle University].

Alhawamdeh, M. E. (2023). The Implementation of E-Marketing Strategies to Enhance the Competitiveness of the Tourism Sector: The Case of Jordan Alliant International University].

Alzoubi, H., Alshurideh, M., Kurdi, B., Akour, I., & Aziz, R. (2022). Does BLE technology contribute towards improving marketing strategies, customers’ satisfaction and loyalty? The role of open innovation. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 6(2), 449-460.

Amegbe, H., Hanu, C., & Zungu, N. P. (2023). The dynamics of customer value and brand love among shoppers in emerging market. Cogent Business & Management, 10(3), 2272382.

Anees-ur-Rehman, M., & Johnston, W. J. (2019). How multiple strategic orientations impact brand equity of B2B SMEs. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 27(8), 730-750.

Arif, M., Febrilia, I., & Lutfia, A. (2023). The Influence of Service Quality, Price, and Customer Satisfaction in Building Customer Loyalty Using Paid Music Service Applications (Case Study on the Spotify Application). International Journal of Current Economics & Business Ventures, 3(1).

Atulkar, S. (2020). Brand trust and brand loyalty in mall shoppers. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 38(5), 559-572.

Aziz, H., El-Said, O., & Bontenbal, M. (2020). An analytical approach to cruise tourism as an option for development: A case study of the Sultanate of Oman. Tourism in Marine Environments, 15(2), 95-109.

Bakar, N. A., Rahim, M. A., Muhammad, N. H. B., Nasir, M. N. M., Halim, M. H. A., & Simpong, D. B. (2024). Exploring the Profound Influence of Memorable Religious Tourism Experiences on Subjective Well-Being Among Malaysian Pilgrims. In The AI Revolution: Driving Business Innovation and Research: Volume 1 (pp. 691-702). Springer.

Bell, E., Bryman, A., & Harley, B. (2022). Business research methods. Oxford university press.

Bernarto, I., Berlianto, M. P., Meilani, Y. F. C. P., Masman, R. R., & Suryawan, I. N. (2020). The influence of brand awareness, brand image, and brand trust on brand loyalty. Jurnal Manajemen, 24(3), 412-426.

Bhatia, M. D., & Audichya, M. R. (2022). A Study on the Impact of COVID-19 on Marketing Mix in the Tourism Industry. Recent Trends in Tourism and Hospitality, 191.

Bloomfield, J., & Fisher, M. J. (2019). Quantitative research design. Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses Association, 22(2), 27-30.

Budianto, A. (2019). Customer loyalty: quality of service. Journal of management review, 3(1), 299-305.

Cha, J.-e., Kim, S., & Lee, Y. (2009). Application of multidimensional scaling for marketing-mix modification: A case study on mobile phone category. Expert systems with applications, 36(3), 4884-4890.

Chiu, T. K., Xia, Q., Zhou, X., Chai, C. S., & Cheng, M. (2023). Systematic literature review on opportunities, challenges, and future research recommendations of artificial intelligence in education. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 4, 100118.

Dalilah, M. S., Albattat, A., Nur Hafify Shazwani, R., Theana, N., & Wan Hamisah, W. H. (2020). The Preferences of Potential Tourists in Utilizing Travel Agencies and Travel Application. International journal of scientific & technology research, 9(3). 6532-6541.

Darmawan, R. F., & Baker, J. R. (2024). Preparing for Pandemics: Reflecting on the Impact of Strategic Elements in the COVID-19 Influenced Online Travel Agencies’ Marketing Mix. 7th International Conference on Tourism Research: ICTR 2024.

Ebrahim, R. S. (2020). The role of trust in understanding the impact of social media marketing on brand equity and brand loyalty. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 19(4), 287-308.

Elgarhy, S. D., & Mohamed, L. M. (2023). The influences of services marketing mix (7ps) on loyalty, intentions, and profitability in the Egyptian travel agencies: The mediating role of customer satisfaction. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 24(6), 782-805.

Forti, A. W., Ramos, C. C., & Muniz Jr, J. (2023). Integration of design structure matrix and modular function deployment for mass customization and product modularization: a case study on heavy vehicles. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 125(3-4), 1987-2002.

Habes, M., Alghizzawi, M., Elareshi, M., Ziani, A., Qudah, M., & Al Hammadi, M. M. (2022). E-marketing and customers’ bank loyalty enhancement: Jordanians’ perspectives. In The Implementation of Smart Technologies for Business Success and Sustainability: During COVID-19 Crises in Developing Countries (pp. 37-47). Springer.

Hair, J., Anderson, R., Babin, B., & Black, W. (2010). Multivariate data analysis: A global perspective: Pearson Upper Saddle River. In: NJ.

Hair Jr, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2021). A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) (2nd ed.). Sage publications.

Haryati, N., Putri, R. W., Alam Syah, N. Q. Y., Ramadhani, M., & Nugroho, B. C. (2021). WOM as The Mediator of Marketing Mix to Customer Satisfaction of Premium Coffee Shops in Covid-19 Pandemic. International Research Journal of Business Studies, 14(2).

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Haudi, H., Handayani, W., Musnaini, M., Suyoto, Y., Prasetio, T., Pitaloka, E., Wijoyo, H., Yonata, H., Koho, I., & Cahyon, Y. (2022). The effect of social media marketing on brand trust, brand equity and brand loyalty. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 6(3), 961-972.

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Huang, Y., & Kim, D. (2023). How Does Service Quality Improve Consumer Loyalty in Sports Fitness Centers? The Moderating Role of Sport Involvement. Sustainability, 15(17), 12840.

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Iglesias, O., Markovic, S., Bagherzadeh, M., & Singh, J. J. (2020). Co-creation: A key link between corporate social responsibility, customer trust, and customer loyalty. Journal of Business Ethics, 163, 151-166.

Intravisit, A. (2022). Investigation of Chinese Expatriates’ Satisfaction and Loyalty to Visiting the Leading and Luxury Shopping Complexes in Bangkok Metropolis. AU Hybrid International Conference 2024 on” Entrepreneurship & Sustainability in the Digital Era” under the theme of” People Centric Knowledge in Intelligence World”.

Jahmani, A., Jawabreh, O., Abokhoza, R., & Alrabei, A. M. (2023). The impact of marketing mix elements on tourist’s satisfaction towards Five Stars Hotel Services in Dubai during COVID-19. Journal of Environmental Management & Tourism, 14(2), 335-346.

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Abdelfattah, F., Salah, M., Dahleez, K., Darwazeh, R., & Al Halbusi, H. (2024). The future of competitive advantage in Oman: Integrating green product innovation, AI, and intellectual capital in business strategies. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 8(2), 154-171.

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Ahmed, G., Abudaqa, A., Jayachandran, C., Limbu, Y., & Alzahmi, R. (2022). Nation Branding as a Strategic Approach for Emerging Economies: The Case of UAE. In Marketing Communications and Brand Development in Emerging Economies Volume I: Contemporary and Future Perspectives (pp. 41-57). Springer.

Akaak, A. S., Ahmed, M. N., Rajagopal, N. K., & Al-Shanfari, K. S. (2023). Post-COVID-19 Impact on the Oman Tourism Market: Coping Strategies of the Hospitality Sector in Dhofar Governorate.

Al Hakim, Y. R. (2023). An Examination of How Brand Image, Product Quality, and Price Determine Brand Loyalty. International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology, 3(2), 1-6.

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Al Raisi, N., & Krishnan, Y. (2023). Factors Influencing Omani Traveler’s Preference While Choosing Low-Cost Airlines and Full-Service Airlines. International Journal of Research in Entrepreneurship & Business Studies, 4(3), 1-18.

Al Zadjali, F. M. A. (2021). NPM, e-government and the modernization of public services in the Sultanate of Oman Newcastle University].

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Alzoubi, H., Alshurideh, M., Kurdi, B., Akour, I., & Aziz, R. (2022). Does BLE technology contribute towards improving marketing strategies, customers’ satisfaction and loyalty? The role of open innovation. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 6(2), 449-460.

Amegbe, H., Hanu, C., & Zungu, N. P. (2023). The dynamics of customer value and brand love among shoppers in emerging market. Cogent Business & Management, 10(3), 2272382.

Anees-ur-Rehman, M., & Johnston, W. J. (2019). How multiple strategic orientations impact brand equity of B2B SMEs. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 27(8), 730-750.

Arif, M., Febrilia, I., & Lutfia, A. (2023). The Influence of Service Quality, Price, and Customer Satisfaction in Building Customer Loyalty Using Paid Music Service Applications (Case Study on the Spotify Application). International Journal of Current Economics & Business Ventures, 3(1).

Atulkar, S. (2020). Brand trust and brand loyalty in mall shoppers. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 38(5), 559-572.

Aziz, H., El-Said, O., & Bontenbal, M. (2020). An analytical approach to cruise tourism as an option for development: A case study of the Sultanate of Oman. Tourism in Marine Environments, 15(2), 95-109.

Bakar, N. A., Rahim, M. A., Muhammad, N. H. B., Nasir, M. N. M., Halim, M. H. A., & Simpong, D. B. (2024). Exploring the Profound Influence of Memorable Religious Tourism Experiences on Subjective Well-Being Among Malaysian Pilgrims. In The AI Revolution: Driving Business Innovation and Research: Volume 1 (pp. 691-702). Springer.

Bell, E., Bryman, A., & Harley, B. (2022). Business research methods. Oxford university press.

Bernarto, I., Berlianto, M. P., Meilani, Y. F. C. P., Masman, R. R., & Suryawan, I. N. (2020). The influence of brand awareness, brand image, and brand trust on brand loyalty. Jurnal Manajemen, 24(3), 412-426.

Bhatia, M. D., & Audichya, M. R. (2022). A Study on the Impact of COVID-19 on Marketing Mix in the Tourism Industry. Recent Trends in Tourism and Hospitality, 191.

Bloomfield, J., & Fisher, M. J. (2019). Quantitative research design. Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses Association, 22(2), 27-30.

Budianto, A. (2019). Customer loyalty: quality of service. Journal of management review, 3(1), 299-305.

Cha, J.-e., Kim, S., & Lee, Y. (2009). Application of multidimensional scaling for marketing-mix modification: A case study on mobile phone category. Expert systems with applications, 36(3), 4884-4890.

Chiu, T. K., Xia, Q., Zhou, X., Chai, C. S., & Cheng, M. (2023). Systematic literature review on opportunities, challenges, and future research recommendations of artificial intelligence in education. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 4, 100118.

Dalilah, M. S., Albattat, A., Nur Hafify Shazwani, R., Theana, N., & Wan Hamisah, W. H. (2020). The Preferences of Potential Tourists in Utilizing Travel Agencies and Travel Application. International journal of scientific & technology research, 9(3). 6532-6541.

Darmawan, R. F., & Baker, J. R. (2024). Preparing for Pandemics: Reflecting on the Impact of Strategic Elements in the COVID-19 Influenced Online Travel Agencies’ Marketing Mix. 7th International Conference on Tourism Research: ICTR 2024.

Ebrahim, R. S. (2020). The role of trust in understanding the impact of social media marketing on brand equity and brand loyalty. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 19(4), 287-308.

Elgarhy, S. D., & Mohamed, L. M. (2023). The influences of services marketing mix (7ps) on loyalty, intentions, and profitability in the Egyptian travel agencies: The mediating role of customer satisfaction. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 24(6), 782-805.

Forti, A. W., Ramos, C. C., & Muniz Jr, J. (2023). Integration of design structure matrix and modular function deployment for mass customization and product modularization: a case study on heavy vehicles. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 125(3-4), 1987-2002.

Habes, M., Alghizzawi, M., Elareshi, M., Ziani, A., Qudah, M., & Al Hammadi, M. M. (2022). E-marketing and customers’ bank loyalty enhancement: Jordanians’ perspectives. In The Implementation of Smart Technologies for Business Success and Sustainability: During COVID-19 Crises in Developing Countries (pp. 37-47). Springer.

Hair, J., Anderson, R., Babin, B., & Black, W. (2010). Multivariate data analysis: A global perspective: Pearson Upper Saddle River. In: NJ.

Hair Jr, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2021). A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) (2nd ed.). Sage publications.

Haryati, N., Putri, R. W., Alam Syah, N. Q. Y., Ramadhani, M., & Nugroho, B. C. (2021). WOM as The Mediator of Marketing Mix to Customer Satisfaction of Premium Coffee Shops in Covid-19 Pandemic. International Research Journal of Business Studies, 14(2).

Hassan, A. (2021). Tourism Products and Services in Bangladesh: Concept Analysis and Development Suggestions. Springer.

Haudi, H., Handayani, W., Musnaini, M., Suyoto, Y., Prasetio, T., Pitaloka, E., Wijoyo, H., Yonata, H., Koho, I., & Cahyon, Y. (2022). The effect of social media marketing on brand trust, brand equity and brand loyalty. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 6(3), 961-972.

Huang, L., Liu, M. T., Song, X., & Yen, J. (2023). A method of customer valuation score and implementation for marketing strategy. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 35(2), 344-363.

Huang, Y., & Kim, D. (2023). How Does Service Quality Improve Consumer Loyalty in Sports Fitness Centers? The Moderating Role of Sport Involvement. Sustainability, 15(17), 12840.

Ibrahim, B., Aljarah, A., & Sawaftah, D. (2021). Linking social media marketing activities to revisit intention through brand trust and brand loyalty on the coffee shop facebook pages: Exploring sequential mediation mechanism. Sustainability, 13(4), 2277.

Iglesias, O., Markovic, S., Bagherzadeh, M., & Singh, J. J. (2020). Co-creation: A key link between corporate social responsibility, customer trust, and customer loyalty. Journal of Business Ethics, 163, 151-166.

Intravisit, A. (2022). Investigation of Chinese Expatriates’ Satisfaction and Loyalty to Visiting the Leading and Luxury Shopping Complexes in Bangkok Metropolis. AU Hybrid International Conference 2024 on” Entrepreneurship & Sustainability in the Digital Era” under the theme of” People Centric Knowledge in Intelligence World”.

Jahmani, A., Jawabreh, O., Abokhoza, R., & Alrabei, A. M. (2023). The impact of marketing mix elements on tourist’s satisfaction towards Five Stars Hotel Services in Dubai during COVID-19. Journal of Environmental Management & Tourism, 14(2), 335-346.

Kang, H. (2021). Sample size determination and power analysis using the G* Power software. Journal of educational evaluation for health professions, 18.

Khan, R. U., Salamzadeh, Y., Iqbal, Q., & Yang, S. (2022). The impact of customer relationship management and company reputation on customer loyalty: The mediating role of customer satisfaction. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 21(1), 1-26.

Kumar, V. (2024). Customer Valuation Theory. In Valuing Customer Engagement: Strategies to Measure and Maximize Profitability (pp. 15-35). Springer.

Li, Z., Hua, C., Fu, X., & Liu, X. (2021). Beyond complainers: reclassifying customers of travel agency regarding post-failure behavior and loyalty performance. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 26(3), 329-346.

Lim, W. M., Jee, T. W., & De Run, E. C. (2020). Strategic brand management for higher education institutions with graduate degree programs: empirical insights from the higher education marketing mix. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 28(3), 225-245.

Mehraj, D., & Qureshi, I. H. (2020). Determinants of green marketing mix in developing economies: Conceptualisation and scale validation approach. Business Strategy & Development, 3(4), 522-530.

Mekawy, M., Elbaz, A. M., Shabana, M. M., & Soliman, M. (2022). Breaking the psychological contract of travel agency employees during the COVID-19 pandemic: The moderating role of mindfulness. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 22(4), 387-402.

Mohajan, H. K. (2020). Quantitative research: A successful investigation in natural and social sciences. Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People, 9(4), 50-79.

Morgeson III, F. V., Hult, G. T. M., Mithas, S., Keiningham, T., & Fornell, C. (2020). Turning complaining customers into loyal customers: Moderators of the complaint handling–Customer loyalty relationship. Journal of Marketing, 84(5), 79-99.

Muharam, H., Chaniago, H., Endraria, E., & Harun, A. B. (2021). E-service quality, customer trust and satisfaction: market place consumer loyalty analysis. Jurnal Minds: Manajemen Ide dan Inspirasi, 8(2), 237-254.

Naini, N. F., Santoso, S., Andriani, T. S., Claudia, U. G., & Nurfadillah, N. (2022). The effect of product quality, service quality, customer satisfaction on customer loyalty. Journal of consumer sciences, 7(1), 34-50.

Naseer, S., Khalid, S., Parveen, S., Abbass, K., Song, H., & Achim, M. V. (2023). COVID-19 outbreak: Impact on global economy. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 1009393.

Nayak, M., & Narayan, K. (2019). Strengths and weaknesses of online surveys. technology, 6(7), 0837-2405053138.

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