Cooperative Preschool Education in Ethnic China: Ulanqab Case Study DOI:

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Yu Dong
Siow-Hooi Tan
Hway-Boon Ong


The integrated education of family, kindergarten, and community is crucial for children’s development. However, in China’s ethnic regions, preschool education faces significant shortcomings, with limited community involvement and consideration of ethnic characteristics. This study aims to address these gaps by proposing a conceptual framework tailored for ethnic areas, focusing on the Ulanqab region. Drawing on domestic and international research, we develop a model comprising family, preschool, and community inputs, emphasising the importance of community participation. The model includes educational inputs, educational processes, and target outcomes, with the goal of improving preschool education quality. Through this research, we seek to understand the effectiveness of preschool education in ethnic areas and provide insights for creating a high-quality education system benefiting all children.

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Management, Finance and Accounting


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