The Impact of Social Media Advertising on Online Shopping Preferences in Nilai City, Malaysia

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Fatimah Az Zahra Zulkifli
Shahrina Ismail
Sharifah Fairuz Syed Mohamad


Social media advertisements can influence consumers' purchasing preferences by impacting their awareness, attitude, trust, and intention towards the advertised products, services, or brands. This study aims to achieve two objectives: firstly, to determine the correlation between independent variables (security, privacy, product features, social influence, and promotion) and secondly, to examine the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables (online shopping purchasing preference among shoppers in Nilai). Convenience sampling was used to collect survey data, with questionnaires distributed through various online platforms to respondents residing in Nilai. A total of 272 responses were collected. The study utilized a Pearson correlation model and multiple linear regression to achieve the objectives. The R-squared value of 0.564 indicates that the model can explain almost half of the variability in the dependent variables. The results reveal no negative correlations among the independent variables. The weakest correlation observed is between promotion and product features at 0.392. Conversely, the strongest correlation is between security and privacy, with a coefficient of 0.703, indicating a significant influence of security on privacy. In the multiple linear regression model, four independent variables—security, product features, social influence, and promotion—significantly impact the dependent variable.

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Management, Finance and Accounting


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