Examining the Offline Shopping Preferences of Millennial Women: A Comprehensive Review https://doi.org/10.33093/ijomfa.2024.5.2.5

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Ilham Khalisah Khairuddin
Anusuyah A/P Subbarao


This paper explores the offline shopping preferences of millennial women and strategies to enhance their shopping experience in malls. The study begins with an overview of offline shopping, defining shopping malls, in-store experiences, and the evolving landscape of offline shopping. It also characterizes millennial women and their unique preferences. The literature review identifies three main factors influencing offline shopping: socio-cultural, psychological, and environmental. These factors are analysed separately to understand their impact on millennial women's shopping behaviours. Additionally, the paper examines various mall strategies aimed at increasing millennial women's intention to shop offline, categorized into development, environment, and marketing & promotion. The conceptual framework integrates these factors and strategies, providing a comprehensive understanding of their interplay. Discussions highlight theoretical and practical implications while acknowledging limitations and suggesting areas for future research. This framework aims to guide retailers in effectively enhancing the offline shopping experience for millennial women and offers a foundation for further academic inquiry.

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Management, Finance and Accounting


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