Unveiling the Pathways: Exploring Influential Factors Shaping the Intentions to Engage with ChatGPT DOI: https://doi.org/10.33093/ijomfa.2025.6.1.1
Main Article Content
Artificial intelligence (AI), notably embodied in ChatGPT, has transformed various sectors, including education and content creation. Initially conceptualized in the 1950s, AI’s integration into education has facilitated personalized learning and dynamic evaluations. ChatGPT, an AI language model, exhibits advancements in natural language processing, aiding users in generating custom content. ChatGPT has rapidly gained popularity, reaching over 100 million monthly users. Its educational potential lies in providing tailored learning experiences and streamlining administrative tasks. However, there is a lack of research in the literature on factors influencing the use of ChatGPT among university students in Malaysia for educational purposes. Therefore, the objective of this review paper is to explore the factors that contributed to the intention to use ChatGPT which include academic content creation, information seeking, novelty, convenience, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. This study will use quantitative research methodology and a questionnaire will be created for the target respondents, the undergraduate students at Multimedia University at the Cyberjaya campus. A minimum of 109 responses will be collected for this study and the data will be processed for data analysis, using the SPSS software to analyze the collected data. The intention to ChatGPT among undergraduate students at MMU Cyberjaya was notably impacted by academic content creation, information seeking, convenience and perceived usefulness. In contrast, novelty and perceived ease of use did not exhibit significant influence. In summary, this study aims to provide valuable insights into the factors influencing the use of ChatGPT among university students in MMU Cyberjaya, offering significant implications for academics, researchers, policymakers, and AI developers. The outcome of this study holds significance for academics, researchers, policymakers and AI developers, contributing to their understanding of how individuals engage with and derive meaning from ChatGPT software in the education sector. The study emphasizes how difficult it is for schools to adapt to new technologies and how crucial it is to address a variety of issues in order to do so successfully. When integrating ChatGPT and other educational technologies, executives, education leaders, and other stakeholders should consider these factors. Policymakers could create policies addressing privacy and security issues, and educational institutions should build security, usability, and practicality into their digital plans.
Article Details
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