Conditional Deployable Biometrics: Matching Periocular and Face in Various Settings

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Jihyeon Kim
Tiong-Sik Ng
Andrew Beng Jin Teoh


In this paper, we introduce the concept of Conditional Deployable Biometrics (CDB), designed to deliver consistent performance across various biometric matching scenarios, including intra-modal, multimodal, and cross-modal applications. The CDB framework provides a versatile and deployable biometric authentication system that ensures reliable matching regardless of the biometric modality being used. To realize this framework, we have developed CDB-Net, a specialized deep neural network tailored for handling both periocular and face biometric modalities. CDB-Net is engineered to handle the unique challenges associated with these different modalities while maintaining high accuracy and robustness. Our extensive experimentation with CDB-Net across five diverse and challenging in-the-wild datasets illustrates its effectiveness in adhering to the CDB paradigm. These datasets encompass a wide range of real-world conditions, further validating the model’s capability to manage variations and complexities inherent in biometric data. The results confirm that CDB-Net not only meets but exceeds expectations in terms of performance, demonstrating its potential for practical deployment in various biometric authentication scenarios.

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How to Cite
Kim, J., Ng, T.-S., & Teoh, A. B. J. (2024). Conditional Deployable Biometrics: Matching Periocular and Face in Various Settings. Journal of Informatics and Web Engineering, 3(3), 302–313.
Thematic (Pervasive Computing)


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