Creating an Android-based Calisthenics Application to Assist Students in Improving Their Physical Fitness
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College students, particularly those heavily involved in coursework, frequently do not prioritize physical fitness. Regular exercise is essential for preserving physical fitness and facilitating demanding academic tasks. Although there are other fitness programs available, such as GYM, jogging, CrossFit, and Yoga, users sometimes fail to make full use of them because the content is confined to exercise videos and descriptions. This matter highlights the progress of the Android application Kali Tech, which specifically concentrates on organizing and documenting calisthenics workouts. This program employs the concept of gamification by utilizing student achievement levels to encourage students to be diligent in doing exercise. The application was developed via the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Prototyping methodology in order to fulfill user requirements by incorporating features that promote regular utilization. Kali Tech underwent a one-month testing period, during which data on the responders' blood pressure was also gathered. The data analysis demonstrated that the utilization of the Kali Tech application resulted in an enhancement of the participants' physical fitness, as seen by the blood pressure graphs nearing the standard levels when using the app. The conclusion was further supported by the results of an Independent Sample T-Test analysis and the visual representations of blood pressure graphs, which demonstrated the consistent levels of respondents' blood pressure.
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