Wix for Web Development and the Application of the Waterfall Model and Project Based Learning for Project Completion: A Case Study
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Website development without prior knowledge of HTML or programming experience would be a significant challenge. This study aims to share the students' experiences developing a website using Wix, a user-friendly website builder. The website was assigned as a project-based assessment of one of the courses required to complete a Foundation programme. The course was delivered using a project-based learning (PBL) approach in this context. The students worked as a group to write a project proposal, plan activities, develop the website, write reports, and present the outcome. As for the website development process, the study demonstrates the completion of the project using the Waterfall model, a sequential approach to the software development lifecycle (SDLC). In summary, this study aims to explore the use of Wix for web development, the PBL approach for course delivery, and the Waterfall model for completing the website project. The result shows that the students could complete the website development project in a timely manner by using Wix as their web design platform and adopting the Waterfall model as their project management approach. In addition, the students also benefitted from the PBL approach. The outcomes of this study will be of great benefit to educators, particularly in their role in helping students complete their website development projects.
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