A Review on Mechanical Fuzzy Logic Control Cutters for Latex Glove

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Qi Xuen Pang
Kai Jie Low
Kai Liang Lew
Yit Hong Choo
Suleiman Aliyu Babale
Andi Prademon Yunus
Chia Shhyan Lee


Latex gloves are widely used in various industries, such as healthcare, laboratories, and manufacturing. Especially in the healthcare industry, it provides protection for doctors and nurses so that they will not get infected by viruses. The latex gloves contain some types of proteins that will trigger the allergic reactions of people with latex allergies. Therefore, before the latex gloves are sold on the market, protein concentration tests need to be done. In order to do the protein concentration tests, 2 cm by 2 cm samples of the latex gloves are needed. A cutter machine is needed in order to increase efficiency, save time, and also precisely cut. The samples can be obtained by cutting or stamping the latex gloves. In this paper, research in the literature that attempted to identify the mechanical cutters for latex gloves is reviewed. Furthermore, considering the ambiguity and variability in glove materials and cutting requirements, this paper explores the integration of fuzzy logic into cutter selection processes to accommodate uncertain criteria and optimize cutter performance in diverse operating conditions.

[Manuscript received: 6 May 2024 | Accepted: 3 Sep 2024 | Published: : 30 Sep 2024]

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How to Cite
Pang, Q. X., Low, K. J., Lew, K. L., Choo, Y. H., Babale, S. A. ., Andi Prademon Yunus, & Lee, C. S. (2024). A Review on Mechanical Fuzzy Logic Control Cutters for Latex Glove. International Journal on Robotics, Automation and Sciences, 6(2), 76–83. https://doi.org/10.33093/ijoras.2024.6.2.11


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