I-Bin: Weight Based IoT Smart Recycling Scheduler for Guarded Neighbourhood
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Overpopulation and lack of awareness are the main causes of poor waste management. While existing research in waste management employs current technology such as the Internet of Things, it lacks emphasis on residential centric type of waste management system. This project designs a weight based scheduling system for a guarded neighbourhood using Arduino Uno, load cells and plastic bins which are then incorporated with WiFi to send waste weight information in real time to cloud for monitoring. Design verification tests such as the linearity test and non- repeatability test showed less than 1 percent standard deviation error. A Proof of Concept test was conducted to test the system's performance at a guarded residential area. Analysis of test showed that an average of 0.0966 kg of recyclable waste was collected per house. Based on the results also, it is predicted that approximately 483 kg of waste can be effectively collected from 10 residential areas using the I-Bin system. Residents tend to dispose waste after office hours and scheduling more waste collection frequency after office hours will lead to increased revenue for the recycling company.
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