A Review on Sensor Technologies and Control Methods for Mobile Robot with Obstacle Detection System
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Obstacle detection system is a system that reacts to the object in the path and perform action such as stopping robot movement and collision prevention according to the design of algorithm which enhance the safety level of robot. This paper examines the overview of sensor technology that associates with obstacle detection system and car-like robot. This review summarizes the effectiveness and weakness of common type of sensors such as lidar, radar, ultrasonic sensor, infrared sensor, computer vision, sensor fusion and sensor array. This paper will also discuss on control methods for car-like robot that includes hand gestures, voice control, infrared remote control, Android based Bluetooth mobile control, and Wi-Fi based mobile control, outlining the effectiveness and limitation of each control method.
[Manuscript received: 24 December 2023 | Accepted: 21 February 2024 | Published: : 30 April 2024]
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