Indo-Bangladesh Transboundary Water-Sharing of the Ganges and Teesta Rivers: Through the Lens of International Law and Practice
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Though international water law emphasises ensuring equitable and sustainable utilisation of water resources by all riparian states, most often transboundary rivers are used selfishly and unsustainably by upstream countries. Bangladesh and India, two neighbours in South Asia, share 54 rivers and Bangladesh stands as a downstream country for all of them. Amongst all the rivers, the Ganges and the Teesta are the most contested ones and this article has investigated the issues surrounding their sharing and utilisation. More specifically, the article has analysed the contested Farakka Barrage and bilateral arrangements especially the Ganges Water-Sharing Treaty, 1996, and related issues on the touchstone of existing legal architecture and jurisprudence. Also, the existing no-agreement situation of the Teesta River has been analysed in view of international law and practice. The author considers the Ganges Water-Sharing Treaty, 1996 as a milestone in the mutual relationship between India and Bangladesh, but at the same time suggests further improvement in line with international legal norms and practices. As regards the Teesta, the article argues that India’s approach towards the Teesta River reflects a total disregard for the principle of equitable and reasonable utilisation and the principle of no-significant harm.
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