Rice Leaf Nitrogen Content Estimation Through A Methodological Framework Using Single-Sensor Multispectral Images Manuscript Received: 29 December 2023, Accepted: 18 March 2024, Published: 15 September 2024, ORCiD: 0000-0002-7899-8750, https://doi.org/10.33093/jetap.2024.6.2.6
Main Article Content
Using non-destructive evaluation tools based on imaging techniques, including single-sensor multispectral cameras, provides a cost-effective solution for optimizing rice nitrogen fertilization through site-specific nutrient management. However, their accuracy and precision have been identified as areas for improvement. This study aims to develop a methodology to improve the accuracy of estimations through field experiments. It utilizes multispectral images captured by MAPIR Survey3W Orange Cyan Near-Infrared and MAPIR Survey3W Red Edge cameras. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Red Edge values derived from these images are correlated with Soil Plant Analysis Development values to assess rice nitrogen levels. A prediction model is then built using the Support Vector Regression algorithm. Findings from the experiments underscore the importance of addressing shadow effects, integrating the dataset on light intensity and image capture time, conducting radiometric calibration, filtering outlier data, employing image segmentation, and utilizing nonlinear Canova tests to enhance estimation accuracy. By configuring the Support Vector Regression model with RBF kernel, gamma set to 1.24, and epsilon set to 0.1, the R2 of the train data and validation data reaches 0.851, and 0.840 respectively. Meanwhile, the R2 of the test data achieves 0.793 with a mean absolute percentage error of 3.49 % and a root mean square error of 1.70. These findings underscore the potential of the proposed methodology to improve the estimation of rice nitrogen status based on single-sensor multispectral images, paving the way for more effective nutrient management strategies in rice cultivation.
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