Total Suspended Solid (TSS) Estimation in Lake Tempe, South Sulawesi Using Sentinel-2B Imagery
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Lake Tempe is located in three districts, namely Wajo, Sidenreng Rapang, and Sopeng, South Sulawesi. The water quality in Lake Tempe needs to be considered both the quality and the quantity of the water. Total Suspended Solid (TSS) is one of the calculations and analysis of air quality. The large of TSS distribution can overcome the effects of sedimentation thereby reducing the need for lakes in saving water. TSS distribution at Lake Tempe can be accessed through Sentinel 2B imagery with acquisition time 10 April 2019 and spatial resolution of 10 meters. The algorithm used is NSMI (Normalized Suspended Material Index) algorithm then the results are compared with TSS measurements result in the field. The time of the study was conducted in April 2019 at Lake Tempe, South Sulawesi. The result from samples showed various TSS value which is in the range of 65 mg/L to 203 mg/L with R2 of 0.1194 and standard deviation of 8.7106. High TSS value on the banks of the North lakes also had high sedimentation. Low TSS value are in the middle of the lake with small sedimentation and deeper lake.
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