Vehicle Positioning System Based on Cubic Spline Interpolation Using Statistical Analysis
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Vehicle monitoring and positioning become an essential factor in road management to secure and safeguard the vehicular network, which influences the coupling of reliability on the advanced automobile technologies. Furthermore, to predict the exact location of a car in a given time is challenging, because it depends on a myriad number of elements. Moreover, knowing the position of a vehicle helps passengers as well as increase vehicle network security. In this paper, we propose a mathematical model to predict the position of a car from a prepopulated dataset using spline interpolation. More interestingly, the prediction point of a mobile vehicle will be presented without any help from real-time monitoring devices. Simulation of vehicle positioning is done using bus trajectory data in a university environment in the University of Malaya to verify the feasibility and benefit of the proposed approach. Accordingly, a process of evaluation has been performed based on a plethora of components and existing works to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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