Revolutionizing Connectivity: The Breakthrough of Batteryless Mouse Using Magnetic Resonant Coupling for Communication Devices Manuscript Received: 23 June 2023, Accepted: 23 July 2023, Published: 15 September 2023, ORCiD: 0000-0002-8716-3739,
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With the rapid development of electronic technology and information technology, personal computer has gradually become the public's office or entertainment tools, which also makes the computer mouse a widely used tool. However, most computer mouse on the market today come with batteries. In this context, it is necessary to design a batteryless mouse that without using power supply such as battery. In view of such demand, on the basic of theoretical analysis, this paper summarizes and designs a classical wireless transmission structure – magnetic resonant coupling and antenna that used to transmit and received power for communication devices. In order to understand the operation of wireless power transmission technology, the paper analysed antenna construction and wireless power transmission technology. The basic design parameters of the axial mode helical antenna structure are also explained. Finally, by using CST STUDIO software, axial mode helical antenna with gain of 6.45 dBi was obtained. The system's output voltage is successfully simulated at 1.516 V that can powered up the computer mouse.
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