Voice Control Smart Home Electrical Appliances for Visually Impaired Person Manuscript Received: 1 June 2022, Accepted: 20 June 2022, Published: 15 September 2022, ORCiD: 0000-0003-1477-8449, https://doi.org/10.33093/jetap.2022.4.2.3
Main Article Content
This paper proposed a voice control based smart home electrical appliances for visually impaired person. This voice control smart home system decreases the time taken for visually impaired person to control their home electrical appliances by giving specific voice command compared to traditional switch or remote control. Besides, the voice control smart home system also contained a mini speaker to provide a feedback audio and ensure the correct electrical appliances were controlled. The implementation of this voice control smart home system provides a more convenient and efficient way for visually impaired person to control their electrical appliances. An experiment was conducted by 50 participants to collect the data of the accuracy of the developed system with testing 100 times voice commands for each participants. The participants achieved 96.74 times correctly on average, with the accuracy 96.74% on this system. 79.33% of the participants agree or strongly agree that would use this system in the future for controlling their home electrical appliances.
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