International Journal of Creative Multimedia <p style="text-align: justify;">The<em> <strong>International Journal of Creative Multimedia (IJCM)</strong> </em>seeks scholarly work that explores the intersection of multimedia technology with creative content and research. We are interested in contributions that take advantage of the affordances of digital platforms in creative ways. The aim of this journal is to showcase current research in multimedia and other creative domains where knowledge of rapidly evolving digital media and its growth towards our lifestyle can be shared. IJCM is a double-blind peer-reviewed open-access journal published bi-annually (April &amp; September) and is offered for online publication free of charge, without any submission, review, or page fees.</p> <p>eISSN:<strong> 2716-6333 | </strong>Publisher: <a href=""><strong>MMU Press</strong></a> | Access: <strong>Open</strong> | Frequency: <strong>Biannual (April &amp; September)</strong> | Website: <strong><a href=""></a></strong></p> <p>Indexed in:<br /><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img style="width: 112px; display: inline;" src="" alt="" width="200" height="26" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img style="width: 95px; display: inline;" src="" alt="" width="200" height="34" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" /></a> <a href=";hl=en"><img src="" /></a></p> en-US (Ts. Dr. Vimala Perumal) (Syahmi Aziz) Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 OJS 60 Front Matter <p>The<em>&nbsp;<strong>International Journal of Creative Multimedia (IJCM)</strong>&nbsp;</em>seeks scholarly work that explores the intersection of multimedia technology with creative content and research. We are interested in contributions that take advantage of the affordances of digital platforms in creative ways. The aim of this journal is to showcase current research in multimedia and other creative domains where knowledge of rapidly evolving digital media and its growth towards our lifestyle can be shared. IJCM is a double-blind peer-reviewed open-access journal published bi-annually (April &amp; September) and is offered for online publication free of charge, without any submission, review, or page fees.</p> Vimala Perumal Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Creative Multimedia Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Breaking the Cult of Masculinity – The Other Lamb, Midsommar and Empowerment on Screen.pdf Daniel Finnemore Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Creative Multimedia Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Collaboration as Innovative Teaching and Learning Strategy: A Case Study of Integrated Marketing Communication (COM2014) for Quality Education Sustainability (SDG4) <p>This paper explores a course taught by School of Arts at Sunway University Malaysia, for second year Bachelor of Communication and Bachelor of Advertising and Branding students. The course focuses on planning and executing marketing campaign using various communication channels like the social media. The assessments given are coursework based and no final examination as it is believed that courseworks are able to measure a greater range of abilities than exam (Kniveton, 1996). Besides, coursework marks are a better predictor of long-term learning of course than exams (Gibbs &amp; Simpson, 2004). This is due to the experience they gained from conducting the coursework will enable students to practice the knowledge in their work-life. This paper is case study research done by the instructor herself, after teaching this course for several years, and changed the assessment to suits the up-to-date market demand. Collaboration for the course was signed in a Memorandum of Understanding to give students opportunity of full experience in running actual campaigns with the university’s industry partner, Sunway Malls because collaboration will be an essential skill for students this era (Redecker et al., 2011). Assessments were improvised as literature shows that as a teacher, the lecturer can alter those approaches in her curriculum mix when evidence says they are not working (Pearson, 2003). Researcher used systematic literature review to reveal the investigation, followed by action research approach, through observation and interviews data collection. The results showed several constructs like communication, collaboration, and coordination importance for the sustainability of education, including the course COM2014.</p> Norizzati Azudin Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Creative Multimedia Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 HIRE ME!: Interactive Gaming Simulation as a Teaching Aid to Enhance English Speaking Skills Among UTHM Students <p>English is the dominant language in many nations throughout the world. Nonetheless, despite the government’s efforts, Malaysian university students still see speaking English as a daunting endeavour. This article discusses how interactive simulation games may be used as a teaching tool to help Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) students improve their English-speaking abilities. Furthermore, the purpose of this research is to study the fundamentals of English-speaking skills, to design an informative and appealing interactive simulation gaming as a teaching aid, and to verify the effectiveness of interactive simulation gaming in enhancing English-speaking abilities. A mixed method design combining qualitative and quantitative data collection approaches was employed. A semi-structured interview was conducted with a professor from the Centre for Language Studies at UTHM, and the collected data were carefully verified with content analysis. Additionally, a questionnaire was distributed among 69 UTHM students from different faculties to gather insights on how to design an interactive and engaging gaming simulator for English speaking learning. Once the data have been collected, it will be thoroughly analysed and validate with descriptive analysis. The findings of this study offer valuable insights into the fundamental aspects of English language learning and provide opportunities for further improvement and refinement of the game. Future studies could focus on refining the game’s aesthetics and overall visual appeal, creating a more immersive and captivating gaming experience, and incorporating elements of gamification to further enhance motivation and drive sustained engagement. The game can be created by making it into Virtual reality, the players are able to immerse the gameplay of feeling in a real situation of being interview while answer the questions that has been given out by the game has provided.</p> Ajlaa Hawa Mohamad Zainurin, Adriana Batrisyia Junit, Filzah Afiqah Muhammad, Lingeeshsny Manoharau, Mohd Firdaus Mohd Herrow Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Creative Multimedia Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 A Systematic Review towards Evolution of Interactive Storytelling and Audience Engagement in Films <p>This systematic review explores the evolution and impact of interactive storytelling in films on audience engagement. Research questions probed into how interactive storytelling in films has been discussed in literature, the role of technology in shaping narratives, and the influence of audience physiological and emotional responses on storytelling outcomes. The research objectives centered on identifying key themes and the interplay between technology, narrative innovation, and audience interaction in contemporary storytelling. Through a comprehensive selection process, 163 articles were reviewed, resulting in three significant themes: interactive narrative and media convergence, the impact of technology on storytelling, and audience engagement and interaction. Each theme explores the dynamic relationship between technology, diverse narrative structures, and audience participation. Methodologically, an integrative approach was employed to analyze varied research designs, culminating in thematic categorization. The findings call attention to the transformative influence of technology on storytelling and the shift from passive to active audience participation. Future research endeavors could focus on creating a comprehensive framework for an interactive film and ways to implement interactive films into broader mediums such as cinema.</p> Muhammad Luqman Hakim bin Mohd Hanapiah, Suraya binti Md Nasir Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Creative Multimedia Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 New Perceptions and Identities in Media Narratives <p>Communication has existed since the beginning of mankind. Over the years, its practices have evolved, becoming more and more sophisticated but its principal motive has remained the same; to effectively spread messages. As one of the arms of communication, mass media has evolved to become a dominant force for the dissemination of information. The implication of this is that not only have our modes of communication evolved, but the ways in which we view each other in the global community has also altered our phenomenological experience of everyday life. Marshall McLuhan describes this as the ‘global village’ where traditional barriers of time and space have been broken and bridged. The inevitable march of human civilization towards technology has brought about the information age where the reliance on mass media is more a rule than an option. We no longer live with mass media, but we live within its confines. This in turn affects the way that we process information including cultural stimuli and the entire architecture of human thought. The ubiquity of mass media has created an environment where mass media not only dictates norms but also reflects human behavior creating a new reality that is not only framed, but also made immediate by it. This means that as we become more and more entrenched in the realities created by mass media, we begin to become blasé of the ways it shapes and dictates our lives.</p> Edina Mohd. Nasseri Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Creative Multimedia Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 A Comparative Study on the Character Modeling of Chinese Shadow Play and Malaysian Wayang Kulit <p>The shadow play cultures of China and Malaysia have a long history and rich cultural connotations, both of which belong to folk art forms. Due to the origin of shadow play culture and the differences in cultures between the two countries, the character designs of shadow play have formed unique regional cultures. This article mainly compares the character styles of shadow play between the two countries, summarizes the similarities and differences in artistic forms of shadow play, and showcases the beauty of different styles. In Chinese shadow play culture, the modelling of characters is usually related to historical stories or myths and legends. The modelling of characters includes the modelling techniques of Paper Cuttings and the colour shading of New Year pictures. In Malaysia's shadow play culture, shadow play is called "Wayang Kulit" and was introduced in Java, Indonesia. Generally, it portrays mythological stories about Hinduism, which is closely related to Java, Indonesia, which originated mainly from Hinduism. Regardless of the culture, the unique shapes and characteristics of shadow play characters can attract the audience's attention, show cultural value in character design, and help the audience better understand and feel the meaning of the characters in shadow play. Finally, through research, promote cultural exchange, dissemination, and promotion of shadow play between the two countries.</p> Yan Li Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Creative Multimedia Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 A Study on the Interaction between Human Consciousness and Artificial Intelligence in Refik Anadol's Quantum Memories: The Creation of Quantum Memories by the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Physics <p>This study aims to understand the quantum superposition and observer effect in the Copenhagen interpretation and to explore the interaction between human consciousness and artificial intelligence (AI) involved in the creation of quantum memories by applying the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics to Refik Anadol’s <em>Quantum Memories</em>. According to the Copenhagen interpretation, the act of observation itself determines the state of an object. Furthermore, from the perspective of the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics, when we observe and interact with something, we create a new being or universe. Anadol said that his project was inspired by the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics. The intersection between human consciousness, AI, and the aesthetics of probability that can be experienced through his work presents a new form of memory from a quantum physics perspective.</p> JongCheon Shin Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Creative Multimedia Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800