International Journal of Creative Multimedia: Announcements
<p style="text-align: justify;">The<em> <strong>International Journal of Creative Multimedia (IJCM)</strong> </em>seeks scholarly work that explores the intersection of multimedia technology with creative content and research. We are interested in contributions that take advantage of the affordances of digital platforms in creative ways. The aim of this journal is to showcase current research in multimedia and other creative domains where knowledge of rapidly evolving digital media and its growth towards our lifestyle can be shared. IJCM is a double-blind peer-reviewed open-access journal published bi-annually (April & September) and is offered for online publication free of charge, without any submission, review, or page fees.</p> <p>eISSN:<strong> 2716-6333 | </strong>Publisher: <a href=""><strong>MMU Press</strong></a> | Access: <strong>Open</strong> | Frequency: <strong>Biannual (April & September)</strong> | Website: <strong><a href=""></a></strong></p> <p>Indexed in:<br /><a style="margin-right: 10px;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img style="width: 112px; display: inline;" src="" alt="" width="200" height="26" /> </a><a style="margin-right: 10px;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img style="width: 95px; display: inline;" src="" alt="" width="200" height="34" /></a><a style="margin-right: 10px;" href=""><img style="display: inline;" src="" /></a><a style="margin-right: 10px;" href=""><img style="display: inline; width: 137px;" src="" /></a><a style="margin-right: 10px;" href=""><img style="display: inline; width: 100px;" src="" /></a> <a style="margin-right: 10px;" href=""><img style="width: 89px; display: inline;" src="" alt="" width="200" height="22" /></a> <a style="margin-right: 10px;" href=""><img style="width: 120px; display: inline;" src="" alt="" width="200" height="22" /></a></p>
COMPETITION: Call for Submissions: MMU Press 3rd International Article Writing Competition 2025
International Journal of Creative Multimedia
CALLING FOR PAPERS: CALL FOR PAPERS - Volume 5 Issue 2 September 2024
International Journal of Creative Multimedia
CALLING FOR PAPERS: CALL FOR PAPERS - Volume 5 Issue 1 April 2024
International Journal of Creative Multimedia
COMPETITION: MMU Press Article Writing Competition
International Journal of Creative Multimedia
CALLING FOR PAPERS: CALL FOR PAPERS - Volume 4 Issue 2 September 2023
International Journal of Creative Multimedia
CALLING FOR PAPERS: CALL FOR PAPERS - Volume 4 Issue 1 April 2023
International Journal of Creative Multimedia
CALLING FOR PAPERS: CALL FOR PAPERS - Volume 3 Issue 2 September 2022
International Journal of Creative Multimedia
CALLING FOR PAPERS: CALL FOR PAPERS - Volume 3 Issue 1 April 2022
International Journal of Creative Multimedia
CALLING FOR PAPERS: CALL FOR PAPERS - Volume 2 Issue 2 September 2021
<p><strong>IMPORTANT DATE</strong><br>Submission deadline July 31, 2021<br>Publication via Online September 30, 2021</p> <p><br><strong>SUBMISSION</strong><br>1. Articles are welcome. Would-be contributors may send shorter, well-presented submissions.<br>These should also be congruent with the journal’s themes and objectives, e.g. summaries of<br>important ideas, descriptions of experimental activities, works in progress or research findings.<br>They would normally be around 2000–5000 words in length.<br>2. Artist Response of their works or other relevant concept/ideas, etc., are also welcome. It could<br>consist of images accompanied by 500–2000 words.<br>3. Other formats are also welcome (upon discussion with the editorial team). Kindly email<br></p> <p><br><strong>SUBMISSION GUIDELINE</strong><br>Submissions should be sent as an attachment to an e-mail message to the Editors at<br> Your article should meet the required format and cover the following:</p> <p><br>Language : English<br>Abstract : 150 – 300 words<br>Key words : 3 – 6 words<br>Font : 12-point Times New Roman<br>Paragraph : Single-spaced<br>Margin : Normal (A4 Size)<br> (Top :2.54 cm , Bottom: 2.54 cm; Left : 3.18cm , Right: 3.18cm)<br>Page numbers : Bottom-centered<br>Layout : One-column Portrait<br>Format : MS Word-compatible file<br>Referencing : References should be listed at the end of the main text. The references<br> style follows American Psychological Association (APA) citation style.<br>Language : English<br>Image / Illustration : Resolution of at least 300 dpi (Approximately 200cm x 300cm). The image<br> should always be accompanied by a suitable caption (the omission of a<br> caption is only acceptable if you feel that the impact of the image would be<br> reduced by the provision of written context). The following is the agreed style<br> for captions, and as much information as is available should be provided:<br> Figure 1: Artist, Title of Artwork, Year. Medium. Dimensions. Location.<br> Copyright holder information [use of Courtesy of or © should be consistent].<br> Figures and Tables should be placed as part of the text and should be<br> numbered.<br>Author Biographical : 100 – 150 words<br>Statements<br><br>Structure : Please arrange your article in the following order:<br> 1. Author(s) name(s) including institution<br> 2. Title<br> 3. Abstract<br> 4. Keywords<br> 5. Main text<br> 6. References<br> 7. Acknowledgements<br> 8. Biographical Statements<br> 9. Appendices<br> 10. Tables / Figures</p> <p><br><strong>COPYRIGHT</strong><br>The author is responsible for the original design and aims of the paper. Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are<br>strictly prohibited. The online submission also indicates the copyright agreement to publish the<br>submissions for all purpose of the journal usage without further notice.</p> <p><br><strong>CONTACT</strong><br>INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE MULTIMEDIA (IJCM)<br>Multimedia University Press (MMU Press)<br><br>Faculty of Creative Multimedia, Persiaran Jalan Multimedia, 63100 Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia<br>Mobile: +6013 388 3719 ; Tel: +603 8312 5026 ; Fax: +603 8312 5554</p>
International Journal of Creative Multimedia
CALLING FOR PAPERS: CALL FOR PAPERS - Volume 2 Issue 1 April 2021
<p><strong>IMPORTANT DATE</strong><br>Submission deadline February 28, 2021<br>Publication via Online April 30, 2021</p> <p><br><strong>SUBMISSION</strong><br>1. Articles are welcome. Would-be contributors may send shorter, well-presented submissions.<br>These should also be congruent with the journal’s themes and objectives, e.g. summaries of<br>important ideas, descriptions of experimental activities, works in progress or research findings.<br>They would normally be around 2000–5000 words in length.<br>2. Artist Response of their works or other relevant concept/ideas, etc., are also welcome. It could<br>consist of images accompanied by 500–2000 words.<br>3. Other formats are also welcome (upon discussion with the editorial team). Kindly email<br></p> <p><br><strong>SUBMISSION GUIDELINE</strong><br>Submissions should be sent as an attachment to an e-mail message to the Editors at<br> Your article should meet the required format and cover the following:</p> <p><br>Language : English<br>Abstract : 150 – 300 words<br>Key words : 3 – 6 words<br>Font : 12-point Times New Roman<br>Paragraph : Single-spaced<br>Margin : Normal (A4 Size)<br> (Top :2.54 cm , Bottom: 2.54 cm; Left : 3.18cm , Right: 3.18cm)<br>Page numbers : Bottom-centered<br>Layout : One-column Portrait<br>Format : MS Word-compatible file<br>Referencing : References should be listed at the end of the main text. The references<br> style follows American Psychological Association (APA) citation style.<br>Language : English<br>Image / Illustration : Resolution of at least 300 dpi (Approximately 200cm x 300cm). The image<br> should always be accompanied by a suitable caption (the omission of a<br> caption is only acceptable if you feel that the impact of the image would be<br> reduced by the provision of written context). The following is the agreed style<br> for captions, and as much information as is available should be provided:<br> Figure 1: Artist, Title of Artwork, Year. Medium. Dimensions. Location.<br> Copyright holder information [use of Courtesy of or © should be consistent].<br> Figures and Tables should be placed as part of the text and should be<br> numbered.<br>Author Biographical : 100 – 150 words<br>Statements<br><br>Structure : Please arrange your article in the following order:<br> 1. Author(s) name(s) including institution<br> 2. Title<br> 3. Abstract<br> 4. Keywords<br> 5. Main text<br> 6. References<br> 7. Acknowledgements<br> 8. Biographical Statements<br> 9. Appendices<br> 10. Tables / Figures</p> <p><br><strong>COPYRIGHT</strong><br>The author is responsible for the original design and aims of the paper. Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are<br>strictly prohibited. The online submission also indicates the copyright agreement to publish the<br>submissions for all purpose of the journal usage without further notice.</p> <p><br><strong>CONTACT</strong><br>INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE MULTIMEDIA (IJCM)<br>Multimedia University Press (MMU Press)<br><br>Faculty of Creative Multimedia, Persiaran Jalan Multimedia, 63100 Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia<br>Mobile: +6013 388 3719 ; Tel: +603 8312 5026 ; Fax: +603 8312 5554</p>
International Journal of Creative Multimedia
CALLING FOR PAPERS: CALL FOR PAPERS – Volume 1 Issue 1 April 2020
<p>The International Journal of Creative Multimedia (IJCM) seeks scholarly work that explores the</p> <p>intersection of multimedia technology with creative content and research. This Special Issue of</p> <p>International Journal of Creative Multimedia (IJCM) invites contributions from all the artists that</p> <p>participated in the ANTARA exhibition (Asian Network of Technology-Art Research & Aesthetic) that</p> <p>took place at Asia Culture Center, Gwangju, South Korea and Multimedia University, Malaysia. The</p> <p>journal aims to be an academic extension of the artworks and its conceptual premise by discussing the idea</p> <p>of light in a contemporary media culture following the theme of the ‘ANTARA’ exhibition. Research</p> <p>articles will be evaluated by double-blind peer review. However, the Editors reserve the right to suggest</p> <p>that the writer work collaboratively.</p> <p>Research articles should:</p> <p>• contain original research or scholarship</p> <p>• not be under consideration by any other publication</p> <p>• be written in a clear and readable style</p> <p>• conform to the instructions outlined below</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><strong>IMPORTANT DATE</strong><br>Submission deadline May 31, 2019<br>Notification of Acceptance June 15, 2019<br>Final Modification Deadline July 15, 2019<br>Ready for Publication September 15, 2019</p> <p><br><strong>SUBMISSION</strong><br>1. Articles are welcome. Would-be contributors may send shorter, well-presented submissions.<br>These should also be congruent with the journal’s themes and objectives, e.g. summaries of<br>important ideas, descriptions of experimental activities, works in progress or research findings.<br>They would normally be around 2000–5000 words in length.<br>2. Artist Response of their works or other relevant concept/ideas, etc., are also welcome. It could<br>consist of images accompanied by 500–2000 words.<br>3. Other formats are also welcome (upon discussion with the editorial team). Kindly email<br></p> <p><br><strong>SUBMISSION GUIDELINE</strong><br>Submissions should be sent as an attachment to an e-mail message to the Editors at<br> Your article should meet the required format and cover the following:</p> <p><br>Language : English<br>Abstract : 150 – 300 words<br>Key words : 3 – 6 words<br>Font : 12-point Times New Roman<br>Paragraph : Single-spaced<br>Margin : Normal (A4 Size)<br> (Top :2.54 cm , Bottom: 2.54 cm; Left : 3.18cm , Right: 3.18cm)<br>Page numbers : Bottom-centered<br>Layout : One-column Portrait<br>Format : MS Word-compatible file<br>Referencing : References should be listed at the end of the main text. The references<br> style follows American Psychological Association (APA) citation style.<br>Language : English<br>Image / Illustration : Resolution of at least 300 dpi (Approximately 200cm x 300cm). The image<br> should always be accompanied by a suitable caption (the omission of a<br> caption is only acceptable if you feel that the impact of the image would be<br> reduced by the provision of written context). The following is the agreed style<br> for captions, and as much information as is available should be provided:<br> Figure 1: Artist, Title of Artwork, Year. Medium. Dimensions. Location.<br> Copyright holder information [use of Courtesy of or © should be consistent].<br> Figures and Tables should be placed as part of the text and should be<br> numbered.<br>Author Biographical : 100 – 150 words<br>Statements<br><br>Structure : Please arrange your article in the following order:<br> 1. Author(s) name(s) including institution<br> 2. Title<br> 3. Abstract<br> 4. Keywords<br> 5. Main text<br> 6. References<br> 7. Acknowledgements<br> 8. Biographical Statements<br> 9. Appendices<br> 10. Tables / Figures</p> <p><br><strong>COPYRIGHT</strong><br>The author is responsible for the original design and aims of the paper. Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are<br>strictly prohibited. The online submission also indicates the copyright agreement to publish the<br>submissions for all purpose of the journal usage without further notice.</p> <p><br><strong>CONTACT</strong><br>INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE MULTIMEDIA (IJCM)<br>Multimedia University Press (MMU Press)<br><br>Faculty of Creative Multimedia, Persiaran Jalan Multimedia, 63100 Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia<br>Mobile: +6013 388 3719 ; Tel: +603 8312 5026 ; Fax: +603 8312 5554</p>
International Journal of Creative Multimedia